1K10.20 Slipping Ladder (Ladder Against a Wall)
Torque, friction
A ladder leans against a wall, on the verge of slipping. A hooked mass can be moved up the rungs of the ladder until the ladder slips.
- [1] Model ladder
- [1] Wall
- [1] Wooden plank
- [4] C-clamp
- [1] 1 kg mass
- [1] S-hook
- [1] Metre stick
Classroom Assembly
- Clamp the wall to a table.
- Clamp the plank next to it.
- Lean the ladder against the wall.
- Place the metre stick next to the plank and the ladder for scale.
- Find the angle at which the ladder starts to slip.
- Hang the mass at various rungs of the ladder, going up from the lowest rung.
- When the mass reaches or passes the middle of the ladder, it should slip.
Additional Resources
- PIRA 1K10.20
- Don't attempt this at home!
- SFU is not affiliated with any external sites linked here and is not responsible for their content.
Last revised
- 2024
Related AV
- The University of Kentucky's Department of Physics and Astronomy has a decent video performing the demo.
Related demos
If you have any questions about the demos or notes you would like to add to this page, contact Ricky Chu at ricky_chu AT sfu DOT ca.