6A60.30 Filament Projection with a Lens
Image formation, convex lens
The image of a filament can be projected onto a wall. The filament can be blocked by an index card to show that the image is projected upside-down. The lens can be partially blocked by an index card to show this does not block parts of the image.

- [1] Light bulb in holder
- [2] Lab stand
- [2] 90-degree clamp
- [1] 3-finger clamp
- [1] Magnifying glass
- [1] Index card
Classroom Assembly
- Mount the light bulb on a stand.
- Mount the magnifying glass on the other stand.
- Plug in the light bulb holder.
- Turn on the light bulb and arrange the elements to project a filament image where desired.
- Turn off the light bulb.
- Turn on the light bulb.
- Ask students what will happen when you start blocking the light bulb from the bottom.
- Block the bulb from the bottom, showing it blocks the image from the top, so the image is inverted. Block the bulb from the top for further emphasis, if desired.
- Ask students what will happen when you start blocking the magnifying glass from the bottom.
- Block the magnifying glass from the bottom, dimming the image.
- Turn off the light bulb.
Additional Resources
- PIRA 6A60.30, 6A60.31
- Don't attempt this at home!
Last revised
- 2023
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If you have any questions about the demos or notes you would like to add to this page, contact Ricky Chu at ricky_chu AT sfu DOT ca.