Linguistics 322

Midterm Exam

Answer Sheet

Summer 2001

  1. Define the Case Filter. It is possible to use the Case features ([±Case_Inh] and [±Nom]) to represent the Case Filter. How can you do this? (10)

*NP if NP is phonetic and NP has no Case.

Yes; If NP is marked as [-Case_Inh], then the absolute value of Case must be determined. If it is not determined, the form will crash (be rendered ungrammatical).

  1. What principle(s) or rules do the following sentences violate? Explain with the correct form of the sentence (a derivation is not required here): (20)

*john painted both those three house.


  1. *Much students read the some books.
  2. *John saw he.

The intended sentences are:

John painted all those three houses.


  1. Many students read some books.
  2. John saw him.

See *john painted both those three house.a) Both is [+Daul] and three ios -Dual]; they do not agree.

house is [-Pl] and three is [+Pl]; they do not agree.

See *john painted both those three house.b) Much is [-Ct], students is [+Ct]; they do not agree.

the is [+Def], some is [-Def]; they do not agree.

(1c) Saw is marked [-Nom], him is marked [+Nom; they do not agree.

  1. Determine a partial logical (argument) structure for the following sentence (full NP, and the main verb), derive its surface structure (short of accounting for the operators of the verb). Long version of features and links must be included (35). No need to explain each step here; see IV. Note that the feature [-Nom] is blocked here. We will cover this later:
  2. Both the deer were shot. (....shoot both the deer).


  1. Determine the logical structure of the following sentence and derive their surface structures (short of moving the argument to the subject position). You may use a short form of the features: just the grammatical ones. Explain each step in the drawn structure: (35)
  2. Ú cook all eight geese.


  1. COOK governs CaP/NP and Ca.
  2. Ca governs UqP/NP and Uq.
  3. Uq governs DP/NP and DP.
  4. D governs QuP/NP AND NP.
  5. Qu governs NP and N.
  6. [-Nom] is copied to Ca..
  7. [-Nom] is copied to UqP/NP.
  8. [-Nom] is copied to DP.
  9. [+Pl] is copied to N.


Note. What is important here is to get [Nom] from the verb to Ca to DP/NP. There are two ways to do it: via UqP/DP as indicated above are trough UQ. This was never brought up in class, so no marks off here as it gets to DP/NP via one of these methods.