

Video on “Globalization, NAFTA and Migration: Mexico’s Loss of Food and Labor Sovereignty,” delivered by Gerardo Otero on 13 April, 2011, at the University of Chicago in the following Symposium (duration 30 minutes).

Between Borders. Five minutes video about issues facing Mexican migrant farm workers in British Columbia, Canada, 2012.

Major Reports

Gerardo Otero and Kerry Preibisch. 2015. "Citizenship and Precarious Labour in Canadian Agriculture." Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office. 36 pp.

Gerardo Otero and Kerry Preibisch. 2010. Farmworker Health and Safety: Chellenges for British Columbia. Final report for WorkSafeBC (the Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia). “Focus on Tomorrow” Program, 104 pp.

View the 2010 BC Farmworkers Report.

David Fairey, Christina Hanson, Glen MacInnes, Arlene Tigar McLaren, Gerardo Otero, Kerry Preibisch and Mark Thompson. 2008. Cultivating Farmworker Rights: Ending the Exploitation of Immigrant and Migrant Farmworkers in BC. An Economic Security Project Report. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. 77 pp.

View the 2008 BC Farmworkers Report.

Newspaper Articles

2015 article in the Vancouver Sun about migrant workers in Canada, by Anelyse Weiler, J. Dennis, and Hannah Wittman

2013 article in the Georgia Straight about migrant workers in Canada.

2013 article in the Georgia Straight about unfree labour in Canada.