
INN researchers are working together to drive progress and innovation in neuroscience and neurotechnology.

INN is host to an interdisciplinary group of researchers spanning cellular and molecular neuroscience to systems neuroscience and beyond. We bring together researchers from across 6 Faculties, including Applied Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences, Education, Communication, Art and Technology, Health Sciences, and Science.

Faculty Members

Alex Wiesman

neuroimaging, MEG, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cognitive neuroscience

Alissa Antle

neurofeedback, emotion regulation, ADHD, design research, children 

Angelica Lim

affective computing, machine learning, interactive robotics, developmental robotics

Brianne Kent

Alzheimer’s disease, sleep, circadian rhythms, memory, translational research, mice, humans

Carolyn Sparrey

biomechatronics, Patient specific technologies, computational models of injury, tissue mechanics and materials

Charles Krieger

bone marrow-derived cells, gene therapy, motor neuron disease, neurons and motorneurons, neuromuscular junction

Dan Marigold

sensorimotor control, locomotion, vision, eye tracking, motor learning

David Vocadlo

carbohydrates and their processing enzymes in health and disease

Dylan Cooke

neuroplasticity, sensorimotor, electrophysiology, brain organization, motor control

Elina Birmingham

autism spectrum disorder, attention, face perception, eye tracking, decreased sound tolerance

Faranak Farzan

development of neurotech to study brain-behaviour relationshimps

Frank Lee

dopamine, molecular, interaction, neurodegeneration, addiction

Grace Larocci

development, autism, developmental disabilities, social-emotional competence

Gustavo Balbinot

neurorehabilitation, neurorepair, neuroplasticity, movement analysis, regenerative rehabilitation

Harald Hutter

nervous system development, axon guidance, C. elegans, cell adhesion, genetics

John McDonald

EEG, event-related potentials (ERPs), attention, distraction, inhibitory control

Lisa Julian

human iPSC brain modelling, neural stem cells, rare disease, neurodegeneration, metabolism, cell fate

Michael Adachi

2D materials, diagnostic sensors, biomarker proteins, breath analysis screening, device fabrication

Michael Silverman

cellular neuroscience, protein transport, alzheimer's disease, immunocytochemistry

Molly Cairncross

concussion, traumatic brain injury, behavioral health interventions, mHealth/tech interventions, patient- and community-oriented research

Peter Ruben

voltage-gated sodium channels, channelopathies, epileptic encephalopathies, biophysical properties, structure/function relationships

Randy McIntosh

aging, development, computational neuroscience

Sam Doesberg

neuroimaging, MEG, autism, neural oscillations, network neuroscience

Steve Dipaola

cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neural networks, visual perception, behavior modelling

Sylvain Moreno

brain plasticity, machine learning, digital health solutions, computational neuroscience, behavioural testing

Theodore Cosco

aging, mental health, technology, epidemiology, psychology

Zhenman Fang

hardware acceleration, emerging workload characterization and acceleration, big data computing systems, hardware/software codesign, heterogeneous computing