Graduate Studies
Admission Requirements for Graduate Studies
Prospective students must apply to Simon Fraser University for admission and meet the normal admission requirements for a graduate degree prior to undertaking the MoCSSy Graduate Certificate Program.
Join the Graduate Certificate Program
MoCSSy's Graduate Certificate Program offers a unique opportunity for graduate students to apply their interdisciplinary knowledge to research, in an environment that is second to none in Canada - the IRMACS Centre. All students intending to participate are strongly encouraged to discuss their intentions with their supervisory committee first. If appropriate, the supervisory committee may discuss the student’s intention with the MoCSSy Program Director and/or the MoCSSy Management Committee prior to formally communicating to the MoCSSy Program their intention to participate.
Certificate Program Requirements
The MoCSSy certificate requires that students take fifteen (15) credit hours (5 courses) of applicable MoCSSy courses. Of these, at least twelve of the credit hours (4 courses) must be graduate level courses. A maximum of 9 credit hours (3 courses) will apply from the students home department.
For students in the Faculty of Applied Sciences or the Faculty of Science a minimum of six (6) credit hours must be taken in courses offered in departments outside of these Faculties. Courses taken in order to meet the requirements of earlier degrees may not count towards these credit hours. In addition, students are expected to participate in the MoCSSy Graduate Seminar Series and workshops for at least one semester of each year they are in the program.
Course List
Computing Science (students majoring in computing science are required to take 700/800 level courses)
CMPT 305 Computer simulation and modelling
CMPT 310 Artificial intelligence survey
CMPT 454 Database Systems II
CMPT 456 Information retrieval and Web search
CMPT 467 Visualization
CMPT 471 Networking II
CMPT 705 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CMPT 721 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
CMPT 740 Database Systems
CMPT 741 Data Mining
CMPT 745 Software Engineering
CMPT 764 Geometric Modeling in Computer Graphics
CMPT 765 Computer Communication Networks
CMPT 767 Visualization
CMPT 771 Internet Architecture and Protocols
CMPT 813 Computational Geometry
CMPT 814 Algorithmic Graph Theory
CMPT 815 Algorithms of Optimization
CMPT 816 Theory of Communication Networks
Criminology (students majoring in criminology are required to take 800 level courses)
CRIM 410 Decision-Making in Criminal Justice
CRIM 413 Terrorism
CRIM 454 Criminal Profiling (Surrey Campus)
CRIM 457 Crime and Criminal Intelligence Analysis
CRIM 800 Theories of Crime
CRIM 810 The Phenomena of Crime I
CRIM 811 The Phenomena of Crime II
CRIM 820 Criminal Justice Policy Analysis I
CRIM 821 Criminal Justice Policy Analysis II
CRIM 862 Research Methods III (Qualitative Analysis)
Geography (students majoring in geography are required to take 600 level courses)
GEOG 352: Spatial Analysis
GEOG 451: Spatial Modeling
GEOG 453W: Remote Sensing of Environment
GEOG 455: Theoretical and Applied GIS
GEOG 457: Geovisualization Interfaces
GEOG 604: Research Design and Analytical Techniques in Human Geography
GEOG 606: Research Design and Analytical Techniques in Physical Geography
GEOG 651: Advanced Spatial Analysis and Modeling
GEOG 653: Theoretical and Applied Remote Sensing
GEOG 655: Advanced Principles of Geographic Information Science
Health Sciences
HSCI 802 Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health
HSCI 805 Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods
HSCI 803 Qualitative and Survey Research Methods
HSCI 815 Concepts of Population and Public Health Practice
HSCI 824 Global Health Systems
HSCI 826 Program Planning and Evaluation
HSCI 827 Analysis of the Canadian Health Care Delivery System
HSCI 835 Social Behavioural Contexts of Health and Disease
HSCI 845 Environmental and Occupational Health
HSCI 861 Principles of Demographic Analysis for Health researchers
Mathematics (students majoring in mathematics are required to take 700 level courses)
MACM 316 Numerical Analysis I
MATH 308 Linear Optimization
MATH 309 Continuous Optimization
MATH 348 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research
MACM 409 Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
MATH 408 Discrete Optimization
MACM 416 Numerical Analysis II
MATH 445 Graph Theory
MATH 448 Network Flows
MATH 709 Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
MATH 708 Discrete Optimization
MATH 716 Numerical Analysis II
MATH 745 Graph Theory
MATH 748 Network Flows
Statistics (students majoring in statistics are required to take 800 level courses)
STAT 302 Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data
STAT 350 Linear Models in Applied Statistics
STAT 403 Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design
STAT 410 Statistical Analysis of Sample Surveys
STAT 430 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
STAT 602 Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Modelling
STAT 650 Quantitative Analysis in Resource Management and Field Biology
STAT 802 Multivariate Analysis
STAT 804 Time Series Analysis
STAT 805 Non-Parametric Statistics and Discrete Data Analysis
STAT 806 Lifetime Data Analysis
STAT 870 Applied Probability Models
MoCSSy Graduate Student Travel Grant
Graduate Students in the MoCSSy program are eligible to apply for MoCSSy Student Travel Grant to attend to conferences. To apply, students must complete the MoCSSy Student Travel Grant Application Form and send it with all requirements to the MoCSSy Program Director two month in advance of the conference date.
MoCSSy Graduate Student Scholarship
Graduate Students in the MoCSSy program are eligible to apply for MoCSSy Graduate Student scholarships. Calls for applications are sent out each semester. To apply, students must complete the MoCSSy Student Scholarship Application Form and send it with all requirements to the MoCSSy Program Director by the indicated deadline.
MoCSSy Entrance Scholarship
Graduate Students in SFU are eligible to apply for MoCSSy Entrance Scholarships. These scholarships are valued $2,500 and will be awarded to students who are new to the MoCSSy Program. For details click here.
Home Department Definition and Responsibilities
The department, school, or faculty to which a student is originally admitted shall be referred to as the student’s home department. The student’s home department is responsible for providing standard student administrative support (photocopying, computer access, graduate secretary access, etc…).
Tuitions and Student Fees
There are no additional fees for students in the MoCSSy program. Tuition is based on the student’s home department.