New Politics and Old News


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Table of Contents

Marcelo Vieta

New Politics and Old News

Is democracy in trouble in Canada?

Does youth view democracy in a distorted way?

US Vote

Gen X US Vote 1996

US Voting Trends

Canadian Voting Trends

Canadian Gen X Voting Trends Since 1988

The 24 Hour Simpsons Syndrome

Attention Given to the 1997 Election Campaign

PPT Slide

News is vital in for a vibrant democracy.

Three More Reasons to Worry: News Trends

The Worrying Continues: More News Trends

Research Questions

What My Research Begins to Reveal

Let’s Revisit Bill!


News Media Use and Gen X

Media Use and Guilty Pleasures

Regular “News” Sources

Does Gen X learn about the socio-political world from The Simpsons?

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Is this “infotainment paradigm” good for the future of our democracy?

Comparing Knowledge Levels of Three Generations Over Time

Media Use, Political Knowledge, Participation




With News Media

With Our Political System

But, they are not “apolitical”; they are redefining what it means to be political.

The New Politics

The New Politics

The New Politics

The New Politics

The New Politics

The New Politics is a New Type of Citizenship

The New Politics

An Example of New Political Involvement

Other Examples of New Political Involvement

How is the New Political Citizen Informed

What about our democracy?




Thank You

Marcelo Vieta

Author: sfu


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