
Lab Lunch to Start 2020
07 January, 2020

Farewell Ali!
12 August, 2019

Ali Hatefi is currently a Ph.D. candidate in physiology of reproduction at the University of Tehran (Iran). His Ph.D project is to determine how the combination of glucocorticoid and beta-2 adrenergic agonist as anti-inflammatory agent may improve ovarian cancer prognosis using hen as a model in vivo and in vitro. He was a visiting researcher in Pio Lab from February 2019 to August 2019 supported by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of Iran. During this period Ali was involved in a meta analysis bioinformatics research project aimed to unravel novel molecular signatures responsible for a certain type of neuronal hyperactivity induced by certain type of viruses in human. We wish him the best with his research in Tehran.

Worms on the beach: 2018 C. elegans meeting │Barcelona, Spain
13-17 June 2018

Our lab attended the C. elegans Development, Cell Biology and Gene Expression Meeting, this time in grouping with the 2018 European Worm Meeting, held at the World Trade Centre on the waterfront in in Barcelona. The meetings are always an ideal place to share new data’s and ideas by the strong sense of community between researches around the globe representing 33 countries - being a huge fun!!! Our lab postdoc Dr. Priyanka Mishra, presented a work describing the functional screening of candidate proteins to identify cytosolic sensor receptor of viral immunity (Abstract Book Page 22 and 119, Poster 16). Some glimpses from the meeting…