Nansheng J. Chen

Jack Chen, Associate Professor

Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Simon Fraser University

Office: SSB8111
Phone: (778)782-4823
Email: chenn(at)

B.Sc., Fudan University, Shanghai
Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao

Home | Professional activities | Research Group | Students | Publications | Teaching | Readings


  1. Zhao Z, Thomas JH, Chen N, Sheps JA, Baillie DL. Comparative Genomics and Adaptive Selection of the ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Family in Caenorhabditis Species. Genetics, 2007 (Epub ahead of time)

  2. Bieri T, Blasiar D, Ozersky P, Antoshechkin I, Bastiani C, Canaran P, Chan J, Chen N, Chen WJ, Davis P, Fiedler TJ, Girard L, Han M, Harris TW, Kishore R, Lee R, McKay S, Muller HM, Nakamura C, Petcherski A, Rangarajan A, Rogers A, Schindelman G, Schwarz EM, Spooner W, Tuli MA, Van Auken K, Wang D, Wang X, Williams G, Durbin R, Stein LD, Sternberg PW, Spieth J. Nucleic Acid Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D506-10.

  3. Chen N, Mah A, Blacque OE, Chu J, Phgora K, Khattra J, Chan S, Go A, Efimenko E, Johnsen R, Phirke P, Swoboda P, Marra M, Moerman DG, Leroux MR, Baillie DL, and Stein LD, Identification of ciliary and ciliopathy genes in Caenorhabditis elegans through comparative genomics. Genome Biology, 2006;7(12):R126.

  4. Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium; Sodergren E, Weinstock GM, Davidson EH, Cameron RA, Gibbs RA, Angerer RC, Angerer LM, Arnone MI, Burgess DR, Burke RD, Coffman JA, Dean M, Elphick MR, Ettensohn CA, Foltz KR, Hamdoun A, Hynes RO, Klein WH, Marzluff W, McClay DR, Morris RL, Mushegian A, Rast JP, Smith LC, Thorndyke MC, Vacquier VD, Wessel GM, Wray G, Zhang L, Elsik CG, Ermolaeva O, Hlavina W, Hofmann G, Kitts P, Landrum MJ, Mackey AJ, Maglott D, Panopoulou G, Poustka AJ, Pruitt K, Sapojnikov V, Song X, Souvorov A, Solovyev V, Wei Z, Whittaker CA, Worley K, Durbin KJ, Shen Y, Fedrigo O, Garfield D, Haygood R, Primus A, Satija R, Severson T, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Milosavljevic A, Tong M, Killian CE, Livingston BT, Wilt FH, Adams N, Belle R, Carbonneau S, Cheung R, Cormier P, Cosson B, Croce J, Fernandez-Guerra A, Geneviere AM, Goel M, Kelkar H, Morales J, Mulner-Lorillon O, Robertson AJ, Goldstone JV, Cole B, Epel D, Gold B, Hahn ME, Howard-Ashby M, Scally M, Stegeman JJ, Allgood EL, Cool J, Judkins KM, McCafferty SS, Musante AM, Obar RA, Rawson AP, Rossetti BJ, Gibbons IR, Hoffman MP, Leone A, Istrail S, Materna SC, Samanta MP, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Tu Q, Bergeron KF, Brandhorst BP, Whittle J, Berney K, Bottjer DJ, Calestani C, Peterson K, Chow E, Yuan QA, Elhaik E, Graur D, Reese JT, Bosdet I, Heesun S, Marra MA, Schein J, Anderson MK, Brockton V, Buckley KM, Cohen AH, Fugmann SD, Hibino T, Loza-Coll M, Majeske AJ, Messier C, Nair SV, Pancer Z, Terwilliger DP, Agca C, Arboleda E, Chen N, Churcher AM, Hallbook F, Humphrey GW, Idris MM, Kiyama T, Liang S, Mellott D, Mu X, Murray G, Olinski RP, Raible F, Rowe M, Taylor JS, Tessmar-Raible K, Wang D, Wilson KH, Yaguchi S, Gaasterland T, Galindo BE, Gunaratne HJ, Juliano C, Kinukawa M, Moy GW, Neill AT, Nomura M, Raisch M, Reade A, Roux MM, Song JL, Su YH, Townley IK, Voronina E, Wong JL, Amore G, Branno M, Brown ER, Cavalieri V, Duboc V, Duloquin L, Flytzanis C, Gache C, Lapraz F, Lepage T, Locascio A, Martinez P, Matassi G, Matranga V, Range R, Rizzo F, Rottinger E, Beane W, Bradham C, Byrum C, Glenn T, Hussain S, Manning G, Miranda E, Thomason R, Walton K, Wikramanayke A, Wu SY, Xu R, Brown CT, Chen L, Gray RF, Lee PY, Nam J, Oliveri P, Smith J, Muzny D, Bell S, Chacko J, Cree A, Curry S, Davis C, Dinh H, Dugan-Rocha S, Fowler J, Gill R, Hamilton C, Hernandez J, Hines S, Hume J, Jackson L, Jolivet A, Kovar C, Lee S, Lewis L, Miner G, Morgan M, Nazareth LV, Okwuonu G, Parker D, Pu LL, Thorn R, Wright R. The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Science 2006, 314(5801)

  5. Tischler J, Lehner B, Chen N and Fraser AG. Combinatorial RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals that redundancy between gene duplicates can be maintained for more than 80 million years of evolution. Genome Biology. 2006, 7:R69

  6. Burke RD, Angerer LM, Elphick MR, Humphrey GW, Yaguchi S, Kiyama T, Liang S, Mu X, Agca C, Lkein WH, Brandhorst BP, Rowe M, Wilson K, Churcher AM, Taylor JS, Chen N, Murray G, Wang D, Mellott D, Olinski R, Hallbook F, Thorndyke MC. A genomic view of the sea urchin nervous system. Developmental Biology. 2006

  7. Chen N, Stein LD. Conservation and Functional Significance of Gene Topology in the Genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genome Research. 2006 May: 16:606-617.

  8. Schwarz EM, Antoshechkin I, Bastiani C, Bieri T, Blasiar D, Canaran P, Chan J, Chen N, Chen WJ, Davis P, Fiedler TJ, Girard L, Harris TW, Kenny EE, Kishore R, Lawson D, Lee R, Muller HM, Nakamura C, Ozersky P, Petcherski A, Rogers A, Spooner W, Tuli MA, Van Auken K, Wang D, Durbin R, Spieth J, Stein LD, Sternberg PW. WormBase: better software, richer content. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1;34(Database issue):D475-8.

  9. Zhao Z, Fang L, Chen N, Johnsen RC, Stein L, Baillie DL. Distinct regulatory elements mediate similar expression patterns in the excretory cell of Caenorhabditis elegans. J Biol Chem. 2005 Nov 18;280(46):38787-94. Epub 2005 Sep 13.

  10. Chen N, Pai S, Zhao Z, Mah A, Newbury R, Johnsen RC, Altun Z, Moerman DG, Baillie DL, Stein LD. Identification of a nematode chemosensory gene family. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jan 4;102(1):146-51. Epub 2004 Dec 23.

  11. Chen N, Harris TW, Antoshechkin I, Bastiani C, Bieri T, Blasiar D, Bradnam K, Canaran P, Chan J, Chen CK, Chen WJ, Cunningham F, Davis P, Kenny E, Kishore R, Lawson D, Lee R, Muller HM, Nakamura C, Pai S, Ozersky P, Petcherski A, Rogers A, Sabo A, Schwarz EM, Van Auken K, Wang Q, Durbin R, Spieth J, Sternberg PW, Stein LD. WormBase: a comprehensive data resource for Caenorhabditis biology and genomics. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D383-9.

  12. Chen N, Lawson D, Bradnam K, Harris TW, Stein LD. WormBase as an integrated platform for the C. elegans ORFeome.Genome Res. 2004 Oct;14(10B):2155-61.

  13. Harris TW, Chen N, Cunningham F, Tello-Ruiz M, Antoshechkin I, Bastiani C, Bieri T, Blasiar D, Bradnam K, Chan J, Chen CK, Chen WJ, Davis P, Kenny E, Kishore R, Lawson D, Lee R, Muller HM, Nakamura C, Ozersky P, Petcherski A, Rogers A, Sabo A, Schwarz EM, Van Auken K, Wang Q, Durbin R, Spieth J, Sternberg PW, Stein LD. WormBase: a multi-species resource for nematode biology and genomics. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D411-7.

  14. Stein LD, Bao Z, Blasiar D, Blumenthal T, Brent MR, Chen N, Chinwalla A, Clarke L, Clee C, Coghlan A, Coulson A, D'Eustachio P, Fitch DH, Fulton LA, Fulton RE, Griffiths-Jones S, Harris TW, Hillier LW, Kamath R, Kuwabara PE, Mardis ER, Marra MA, Miner TL, Minx P, Mullikin JC, Plumb RW, Rogers J, Schein JE, Sohrmann M, Spieth J, Stajich JE, Wei C, Willey D, Wilson RK, Durbin R, Waterston RH. The genome sequence of Caenorhabditis briggsae: a platform for comparative genomics. PLoS Biol. 2003 Nov;1(2):E45. Epub 2003 Nov 17.

  15. Chen N, Li B, Murphy TH, Raymond LA. Site within N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor pore modulates channel gating. Mol Pharmacol. 2004 Jan;65(1):157-64.

  16. Li L, Fan M, Icton CD, Chen N, Leavitt BR, Hayden MR, Murphy TH, Raymond LA. Role of NR2B-type NMDA receptors in selective neurodegeneration in Huntington disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2003 Dec;24(8):1113-21.

  17. Li B, Chen N, Luo T, Otsu Y, Murphy TH, Raymond LA. Differential regulation of synaptic and extra-synaptic NMDA receptors. Nat Neurosci. 2002 Sep;5(9):833-4.

  18. Zeron MM, Hansson O, Chen N, Wellington CL, Leavitt BR, Brundin P, Hayden MR, Raymond LA. Increased sensitivity to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in a mouse model of Huntington's disease. Neuron. 2002 Mar 14;33(6):849-60.

  19. Zeron MM, Chen N, Moshaver A, Lee AT, Wellington CL, Hayden MR, Raymond LA. Mutant huntingtin enhances excitotoxic cell death. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2001 Jan;17(1):41-53.

  20. Chen N, Ren J, Raymond LA, Murphy TH. Changes in agonist concentration dependence that are a function of duration of exposure suggest N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor nonsaturation during synaptic stimulation. Mol Pharmacol. 2001 Feb;59(2):212-9.

  21. Umemiya M, Chen N, Raymond LA, Murphy TH. A calcium-dependent feedback mechanism participates in shaping single NMDA miniature EPSCs. J Neurosci. 2001 Jan 1;21(1):1-9.

  22. Hackam AS, Yassa AS, Singaraja R, Metzler M, Gutekunst CA, Gan L, Warby S, Wellington CL, Vaillancourt J, Chen N, Gervais FG, Raymond L, Nicholson DW, Hayden MR. Huntingtin interacting protein 1 induces apoptosis via a novel caspase-dependent death effector domain. J Biol Chem. 2000 Dec 29;275(52):41299-308.

  23. Chen N, Murphy TH, Raymond LA. Competitive inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents by extracellular calcium chelators. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Aug;84(2):693-7.

  24. Chen N, Luo T, Raymond LA. Subtype-dependence of NMDA receptor channel open probability. J Neurosci. 1999 Aug 15;19(16):6844-54.

  25. Chen N, Luo T, Wellington C, Metzler M, McCutcheon K, Hayden MR, Raymond LA. Subtype-specific enhancement of NMDA receptor currents by mutant huntingtin. J Neurochem. 1999 May;72(5):1890-8.

  26. Metzler M, Chen N, Helgason CD, Graham RK, Nichol K, McCutcheon K, Nasir J, Humphries RK, Raymond LA, Hayden MR. Life without huntingtin: normal differentiation into functional neurons. J Neurochem. 1999 Mar;72(3):1009-18.

  27. Chen N, Lucero MT. Transient and persistent tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium currents in squid olfactory receptor neurons. J Comp Physiol [A]. 1999 Jan;184(1):63-72.

  28. Chen N, Moshaver A, Raymond LA. Differential sensitivity of recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subtypes to zinc inhibition. Mol Pharmacol. 1997 Jun;51(6):1015-23.

  29. Lucero MT, Chen N. Characterization of voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels in squid olfactory receptor neurons. J Exp Biol. 1997 Jun;200(Pt 11):1571-86.

  30. Corotto FS, Piper DR, Chen N, Michel WC. Voltage- and Ca(2+)-gated currents in zebrafish olfactory receptor neurons. J Exp Biol. 1996 May;199(Pt 5):1115-26.

  1. Zeng X, Nesbitt MJ, Pei J, Chen N. OrthoCluster: A depth-first search algorithm for identifying synteny blocks and genomic structural variants. Research Exchange 2007 - Genomics Forum, UBC, Vancouver, April 13, 2007.

  2. She R, Chu J, Pei J, Chen N, Wang K. genBLAST: a graph-simulation based fast searching algorithm for identifying homologous genes. Research Exchange 2007 - Genomics Forum, UBC, Vancouver, April 13, 2007.

  3. Chu J, Johnsen, R, Baillie D, Chen N. Genes in a genome: randomly distributed or clustered? Research Exchange 2007 - Genomics Forum, UBC, Vancouver, April 13, 2007.

  4. Chu J, Hunt Newbury R, Moerman DG, Baillie DL, Chen N. Chromosomal clustering of tissue-specific genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans genome. Systems Biology: global regulation of gene expression. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. March 29-April 1, 2007.

  1. Gupta B, Johnsen, R and N Chen. The genome and biology of the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae. WormBook 2007 (in press).

  2. Chen N. Using RepeatMasker to Identify Repetitive Elements in Genomic Sequences. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. John Wiley & Sons. 2004.

  3. Chen N, Lee RY, Altun ZF, Boulin T, Sternberg PW and Stein LD. In Kotter,R. Neuroinformatics for C. elegans: Relating Mind and Body in Wormbase. (ed.), Neuroscience Databases: A Practical Guide. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, pp. 1-17. 2002.