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Presentations Fall 2009

October 20th, 2009: Rosey Cornell
Piotr Neumanna, Annett Weidnera, Andreas Pecha, Milton T. Stubbsa, and Kai Tittmanna
"Structural basis for membrane binding and catalytic activation of the peripheral membrane enzyme pyruvate oxidase from Escherichia coli"
Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci (2008)105:17390-17395. Neumann, P. et al.

October 27th, 2009: Phanh Nguyen
Mirela Milescu, Frank Bosmans, Seungkyu Lee, AbdulRasheed A Alabi, Jae Il Kim & Kenton J Swartz
"Interactions between lipids and voltage sensor paddles detected with tarantula toxins"
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2009) 16: 1080-1085. Milescu et al.

November 3rd, 2009: Jaeyong Lee
"Structural bases of GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease"
Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 54, 510515 Mizuki Morita et al.

November 10th, 2009: Edgar Young
Marcaggi P, Mutoh H, Dimitrov D, Beato M, Knpfel T.
"Optical measurement of mGluR1 conformational changes reveals fast activation, slow deactivation, and sensitization"
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jul 7;106(27):11388-93. Marcaggi et al.

November 17th, 2009: Chris Ford
"The FIC domain:  Regulation of Cell Signalling by adenylylation"
Molecular Cell  43: 93-103 Worbey, C.A. et al. (2009)

November 24th, 2009: Melissa Dennis

Archived Presentations

Fall 2009
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
Spring 2008