

A copy of our COVID-19 Survey

End-of-Life Resource Inventories

The BC LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

The Edmonton LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

The Toronto LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

The Quebec LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

The Nova Scotia End-of-Life Resource Inventory

Other Resources

Aging and Caregiving among LGBT  

Asking Patients Questions about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings: A Study in Four Health Centers

Australasian Journal on Ageing editorial to the special issue: LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care

Bibliography - Aging in LGBT population in Canada

Coping with the death of a same-sex partner

Edie: A day in the life of a lesbian with youger onset dementia (YouTube video)

End-of-Life and Law Policy in Canada

Hiding who I am - The reality of end of life care for LGBT people

HIV and Aging - A guide from CATIE (Canada's source for HIV and hepatitis C information)

Invisibility Squared: The Challenges of Living as a Transgender Older Adult

Safe, Affordable, and Affirming Housing for 55+ LGBT Canadians

Mental Health Resources

Older LGBT Adults’ End-of-Life Conversations: Findings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Opening Doors: An Investigation of Barriers to Senior Housing for Same-Sex Couples

Out, Proud And Old: LGBT Seniors More Likely To Age Alone

Raising Awareness and Addressing Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community:  An Intergenerational Arts Project

Seniors Aging Out: Health & Community working together for safe communities for LGBTQ2+

SAFE TO BE ME - age UK Love Later Life

SAGE report "Out and Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, ages 45-75