students at welcome day

Teacher resources

Are you interested in learning more about labour studies and bringing these topics into your classroom? Browse our collection of materials designed for the BC curriculum, and classroom-ready multimedia resources.

Working Realities

A curriculum package to help students look at the realities of some groups of working people. Adaptable for a variety of Social Science courses, including Social Justice 12.

Working Realities labour curriculum.pdf
Download curriculum package.

Bodies of Work

A curriculum package to help students look at the human body as a series of work tools. Adaptable for a variety of Social Science courses, including Social Justice 12.

Bodies of Work labour curriculum.pdf
Download curriculum package.

The BC Labour Heritage Centre has created several lesson plans on topics ranging from labour history to health and safety. Many of these lesson plans include accopanying videos. 

The Future of Work

Presentation for the workshop on ‘The Future of Work: Labour Studies in the Social Studies 12 Curriculum” from the BCSSTA ‘Teaching Labour History: Making Connections Conference’, February 2019.

The Knowledge Network has created over 30 short videos that capture working people's history in a variety of eras and industries - many of which focus on BC.

SFU AQ and pond

Bring your class to SFU and attend a 100- or 200-level Labour Studies lecture. While you're here you can also participate in a campus tour, learn about admissions, campus life, and program options.

Plan a high school visit