Water pumping station in Iqaluit, 2009. Not all homes in the Nunavut capital are connected to the utilidor. photo by Pamela Stern


Canadian Polar Commission (2014) Housing in the Canadian North: Recent Advances and Remaining Knowledge Gaps and Research Opportunities, unpublished report, March 31, 2014     summary
    Keywords: architecture and design, crowdinghousing shortages, health, indoor air qualitysustainability  

Ferguson, J.D. (1957) A Study of the Effects of the D.E.W. Line Upon the Eskimo of the Western Canadian Arctic, Northern Research Co-ordination Centre, Ottawa (2 volume, unpublished typescript –INAC library rare books E100.E4 F47)        summary
    Keywords: Cambridge Bay, D.E.W. Line, employment, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, shack housingtents

Graburn, Nelson H.H. (1963) Lake Harbour, Baffin Island, NCRC-63-2, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa            summary
    Keywords: Iqaluit (Frobisher Bay), Lake Harbour, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centreresettlementtents

Kohen, Dafna E., Kevelyne Bougie and Anne Guèvremont (2015) Housing and Health among Inuit Children, Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 82-003-X, Health Reports, Vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 21-27                summary
    Keywords: children and youthhealth, homeownershiphousing conditions

Thompson, C.T. (1969) Patterns of Housekeeping in Two Eskimo Settlements, Northern Science Research Group, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa            summary
    Keywords:  architecture and design, Baker Lake, Cape Dorset, gender, housekeeping, shack housingsocial housing

Yatsushiro, Toshio (1958) Northern Research Co-ordination Centre Census of the Eskimo Population in Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T., July 1958 (unpublished document – rare books collection INAC Library: E100.P5.C36)            summary
    Keywords: employment, Iqaluit (Frobisher Bay), Northern Co-ordination and Research Centreshack housing, social housingtuberculosis

Yatsushiro, Toshio (1963) Frobisher Bay 1958, NCRC-63-6, Northern Research Co-Ordination Centre, Ottawa                summary
    Keywords: employment, housing conditions, Iqaluit (Frobisher Bay), Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, shack housing, social housingtents