Academic Programs
The Indigenous Languages Program (INLP) works with First Nations speech communities and organizations to enable Indigenous language learning off-campus in First Nations languages communities. Since 1993 and in partnership with First Nations organizations, we have offered courses in some 18 languages in British Columbia and the Yukon. INLP resides in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at SFU.
At the undergraduate level, INLP offers a Certificate program and a Diploma program in First Nations Language Proficiency. In addition, a Minor in Indigenous Languages.
In collaboration with the Department of Linguistics, we also offer Indigenous Languages programs at the graduate level.
Please use the navigation tabs above to explore our academic programs.
For other program areas of study at SFU, visit the current SFU Academic Calendar.
Courses offered in cooperation with local Indigenous communities and language authorities include the following languages:
- Bak̕wa̱mk̕ala (Port Hardy)
- Haíɫzaqvḷa (Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk), Bella Bella )
- Hənq̓əmín̓əm (Downriver)
- Hul'q'umi'num' (Vancouver Island)
- Han, Dene, Kaska, Northern and Southern Tutchon, Gwit'chin, Tàgish, Tlingit, Upper Tanana (Yukon)
- Eastern Secwepemctsin (Chase)
- Western Secwepemctsin (Kamloops, Williams Lake)
- Skwxwú7mesh Snichim (Squamish)
- Xaad Kil (Haida Gwaii/Old Masset)
- Halq'emeylem - Upriver (Chilliwack)
- Nsyilxcən (Okanagan)
- Nuxalk (Bella Coola)
- St'at'imcets (Lillooet)
- Tsilhqot'in (Williams Lake)
Courses in other off-campus lcoations and/or in other Indigenous languages are offered at the request of the communities and organizations. For more information, please contact the INLP Manager at inlp@sfu.ca.