Research Questions & Methods
- Does investment in a cycling network result in more “all ages and abilities” riding a bike?
- What population groups and neighborhoods are most affected by such investments?
- Do such investments improve safety and reduce collisions?
- How do such investments impact health over time? What are the health-related economic benefits of cycling in these cities, and from these investments?
We will use the following methods to gather the data and information to answer our questions:
- A population-based survey: to estimate changes in the use of active travel, perceived safety, and cycling incidents, at the population-level and across demographic groups. We aim to survey 1000 residents in each city at 3 timepoints (2017-complete, 2019, 2021) using a 10 minute telephone survey.
- Spatial and mapping methods to analyze the impact on spatial inequities of access to cycling infrastructure and safety incidents across neighbourhoods using GIS and mapping software.
- Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) to assess the health-related economic benefits of active travel and and the cost-benefit ratio for the intervention. HEAT is a tool developed by the World Health Organization.