Journal of Modern Hellenism

Journal of Modern Hellenism

Since 1984 the Journal of Modern Hellenism (JMH) has served as a forum for the promotion of scholarly work on the history, language, institutions, and culture of the Greek people from the Byzantine period to the present. 

This peer-reviewed journal is a joint publication of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies, the Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of Queens College, City University of New York, and the Hellenic Studies Program at California State University, Sacramento.

In 2014 the Journal of Modern Hellenism moved to an online format and is now hosted on Online Journal System, an open access publication platform created by the Public Knowledge Project. To view the latest issue, as well as the back catalogue, please visit us online.



The Journal of Modern Hellenism (JMH) encourages scholarly contributions from emerging and established scholars on the history, language, and culture of Greece and the Greek Diaspora, from middle Byzantium to the Modern Era. Hellenic Studies is at its foundations an interdisciplinary project, so we welcome contributions from the fields of History, Literary Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Palaeography, Film Studies, and International Studies, as well as any others that engage with the journals’ themes.


In order to reach the widest scholarly audience as possible, the JMH will only consider submissions in English. Quotations from primary and secondary sources in languages other than English are of course permissible, but should include a translation.

Word limit

  • Short notes / letters: Less than 500 words
  • Articles: 10,000 – 12,000 words
  • Film / book reviews: 1,000 – 2,000 words

Reference style

All submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. Footnotes, not endnotes. All submissions should be written in Times New Roman, 12pt font, with one-inch margins throughout.


Manuscripts of articles to be considered for publication should be sent as an attachment to Article submissions should include a brief abstract of 150-200 words and three to five keywords. Submissions to peer-reviewed sections of the JMH should not include any information in the manuscript that could potentially identify the author, including in the document properties of the file.

Authors will be notified by the section editor whether the article will be accepted for peer-review. The author will be further notified if the manuscript is ultimately accepted with or without revisions, or finally rejected.

Manuscripts accepted for publication will be published online, on an ongoing basis.


  • Dan Georgakas, Executive Editor
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Queens College, CUNY

Editorial Board

  • Elena Frangakis-Syrett
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Queens College, CUNY
  • Dan Georgakas
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Queens College, CUNY
  • Sabrina Higgins
    SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies
    Simon Fraser University
  • James Horncastle
    SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies
    Simon Fraser University
  • Christos Ioannides
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Queens College, CUNY
  • Gerasimus Katsan
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Department of European Languages and Literatures
    Queens College, CUNY
  • Nektaria Klapaki
    Jackson School of International Studies
    University of Washington
  • Eirini Kotsovili
    SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies
    Simon Fraser University
  • Katerina Kralova
    Institute of International Studies
    Charles University
  • Pantelis Lekkas
    Department of Political Science
    University of Athens
  • Taso Lagos
    Jackson School of International Studies
    University of Washington
  • Foteini Spingou
    Classics Department
    University of Oxford
  • Aspasia (Sissie) Theodosiou
    University of Ioannina
  • Warren Woodfin
    Center for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
    Queens College, CUNY

Journal sponsors

SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies logo
Queens College, CUNY logo
Sacramento State University logo