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- Scientists dig deep and find a way to accurately predict snowmelt after droughts
- Cracking the Case of Missing Snowmelt After Drought
- 2023 Esri Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Daniel Murphy
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Kyle Kusack
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Matthew Taylor
- Anke Baker Wins Staff Achievement Award
- Spring 2023 Virtual Geospeaker Event with Ginger Gosnell-Myers
- CAG Paper Presentation Award - Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven!
- Informing & Engaging Urban Youth on Public Hearings: GEOG 363 Final Showcase
- Research Talk: Modeling Urban Wetland Complexities
- Highlight Paper: Quantifying land carbon cycle feedbacks under negative CO2 emissions
- Bright Addae winner of the 2023 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jonny Cripps
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Diandra Oliver
- 2023 Geospeaker Presentation with Dr. Pauline McGuirk
- Congratulations to Our Graduates - October 2023
- Evaluating the impact of educational goals at SFU
- The Belongings of Precariously Housed People - A Report
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Takuma Mihara
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Adrienne Arbor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Claire Shapton
- 2023 Distinguished Speaker Presentation with Dr. Deb Cowen
- Cheers to Paul Degrace and his well-earned retirement!
- 2024 Archives
- Professor Nicholas Blomley Honored with the Community-Engaged Research Achievement Award
- Graduate Students Claire Shapton and Marina Chavez Honored with the Community-Engaged Graduate Scholar Award
- Applications now open: 2024 ESRI Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Associate Professor Rosemary Collard achieves 13th place on SFU Altmetric List
- The PEAK feature: GSU hosts inaugural RANGE conference
- Gabrielle Wong wins First Prize in 2023 Student Learning Commons Writing Contest
- Gabrielle Wong receives Warren Gill Memorial Award
- Professor Nick Blomley receives Warren Gill Memorial Award for Community Impact
- Geography Student Union recipient of the FENV 2024 Changemaker Awards
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland reveals the secret sauce of great teaching
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland Receives SFU 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Bright Addae
- GIS undergraduate students participate in the Canada-wide 2024 AppChallenge competition
- Senior Lecturer Andrew Perkins Receives SFU 2024 Dean's Award of Excellence in Teaching
- Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven, Canada's 2024 ESRI Young Scholar
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Robert Ehlert
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Stephan Nieweler
- Eugene McCann writes on "livable cities" in The Tyee
- Tiana Andjelic wins the 2024 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Marina Chavez
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Mia Fitzpatrick
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Lan Qing Zhao
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Tyler Cole
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Benjamin Lartey
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Olivia Nieves
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Max Hurson
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to John Sykes
- Farewell to Robert "Bob" Horsfall, Associate Professor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to André Araújo
- SFU Geography welcomes ethnobotanist, Leigh Joseph, as professor of Indigenous geographies
- Physical Geography September: What is Physical Geography?
- Alysha Van Duynhoven communicates award-winning research at international GIS conference
- How Dr. Tracy Brennand’s visionary leadership shaped the Department of Geography - a heartfelt thank-you
- Dr. Tracy Brennand honoured with the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jay Matsushiba
- Human Geography October: What is Human Geography?
- MA Student Joy Russell featured on CBC Vancouver
- Human Geography October: What is Urban Worlds?
- Ajay Minhas Receives 2024 Warren Gill Award
- Dr. Nadine Schuurman featured in SFU news article on Runnability
- GIS Month: What is Geographic Information Science (GIS)?
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Joy Russell
- Perspectives from students using ChatGPT in a large enrollment fully online GIS Course
- Hallway Screens Slides
- 2023 Archives
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Sharon Luk
I was born and raised in the San Francisco bay area. Before pursuing an academic career, I worked mainly in fields of independent media and youth and community development, with training in domestic violence counseling and non-discursive techniques in abuse recovery. Broadly, my fields of study include racism and racial capitalism, ethnic ontologies, modern thought, social movements, feminisms, and ephemeral archives. My teaching and research focus on “anthropologizing” Western Civilization and exploring the role of cultural production in communal survival and sustainability.
Prior to joining SFU, I held postdoctoral positions at Stanford University and at the University of California, Los Angeles, before becoming faculty in Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies at the University of Oregon.
My book, The Life of Paper: Letters and a Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity (University of California Press, 2018), explores the lifeworlds sustained through letter correspondence within the evolution of mass incarceration and its attendant racial regimes in California history. Spanning three different phases of development in the U.S. West, this investigation uncovers how people facing systematic social dismantling have engaged letter correspondence to remake themselves, from bodily integrity to subjectivity to collective and spiritual being.
As Tier 2 Canada Research Chair of Geographies of Racialization, I am currently returning to the history of knowledge production that defines Western civilization in contradistinction from “the Orient.” I aim to interrogate shifts in such “East-West” discourse and its transformative potential if we situate “the West” in the context of Afro-modernity—its epistemological foundations and world concept—rather than in assumptions of European dominance. I am developing two lines of study in this regard. First, I am working on a book manuscript tentatively titled “Sea of Fire: An Abolitionist Inquiry into the Making of Nonviolence.” This project examines the significance of the dialogue between social justice leaders Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King, Jr., from 1965–1968, looking both backward and forward from that moment to re-envision a longer-wave social history and geography of nonviolence. Whereas dominant narratives of nonviolence and its origins have revolved around ties to Christian faith, Brahminical and European philosophy, civil rights, and moral purity, my investigation calls attention instead to other ancient methods and movements that have emerged from the “global South” and inform the latter’s evolving meanings as a place, a knowledge formation, and an aspiration or symbol of freedom from modern oppressions.
Second, I am conducting research that addresses the work of transnational Chinese scholars such as Chenshan Tian. Building on the way he distinguishes between the epistemological assumptions of Chinese and European thought, as well as the implications of this difference for contemplating governance and political-economy in the twenty-first century, I aim to place these insights in dialogue with work in Black, Indigenous, and Ethnic Studies that more thoroughly considers the foundational violences of racism in the development of global capitalism and modern world systems. My long-term goal for this latter work is to help excavate the distinct processes of racialization attendant on Chinese, distinguishable from European, modes of dominance and, in this context, also to revisit enduring foundations for sustainable development and transformative social justice practices embedded in contending interpretations of Chinese social and philosophical traditions.
Selected Publications
The Life of Paper: Letters and a Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity (University of California Press, 2018).
- 2018 Lora Romero First Book Prize, American Studies Association
- 2018 Matei Calinescu Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in Twentieth or Twenty-First Century Literature and Thought (Geographically-Focused), Modern Language Association
Luk, S. “To Extinguish: On Aaron Bushnell and the Casualties of Nonviolence.” Social Text Online (2024): n. pag. Web: https://socialtextjournal.org/periscope_article/to-extinguish-on-aaron-bushnell-and-the-casualties-of-nonviolence/
Luk, S. “The Asian Problem: Back Toward an Analysis of the Race Concept in the Era of Black Lives Matter.” Critical Ethnic Studies 8.1 (2023): n. pag. Web: https://manifold.umn.edu/read/ces0801-09/section/bfb08e7f-0167-4382-987b-5373023b7d65
Luk, S. “Modernity’s (Non-)Objective Character” (Forum: Settler Colonialism and Black Feminism). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 39.1 (2021): 16-21. Print.
“‘Sea of Fire’: A Buddhist Pedagogy of Dying and Black Encounters Across Two Waves.” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society 20.3 (2018): 267-288.
“Ourselves At Stake: Social Reproduction in the Age of Prisons.” CR: The New Centennial Review 18.3 (2018): 225-54.
“The Problem of Study: China in American Studies and the Materials of Knowledge,” American Quarterly special issue on “The Chinese Factor,” 69.3 (2017): 523-32.
“A Better Place” (Intervention Symposium: Reflections on the Events Surrounding Trayvon Martin). Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography (2013): n. pag. Web: https://radicalantipode.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/3-luk.pdf
“Building People's Histories: Graduate Student Pedagogy, Undergraduate Education, and Collaboration with Community Partners” (co-authored with Genevieve Carpio [lead author] and Adam Bush). Journal of American History 99.4 (2013): 1176-88.
Graduate Teaching
Students who work with me generally seek a transdisciplinary or problem-posing path of study at the interstices of Geography, History, and Ethnic/Cultural Studies, with primary emphasis on social justice or collective struggles across various scales of analysis (from intimate to global). Many of my current and past students engage in historical materialist methods of archival and literary studies related to specific place-based social movements and everyday practices of communal life; some also conduct community-based research that involves methods such as interviews and participatory activism. If you are interested in studying at SFU and have a plan of research in my areas of emphasis, you are welcome to send me an email of introduction and brief description of your intellectual project and goals.
SFU Courses
GEOG 364: Cities and Crisis
GEOG 429: Racial Capitalism and Beyond