Plan Your Undergraduate Degree

Program checklists

Please ensure that you select the checklist that corresponds to your requirement (req) term. Not sure how to check? Scroll down for a quick guide on finding your req term or contact a geography advisor to confirm you're following the correct program requirements.

BA Human Geography

BA Urban Worlds

BEnv Global Environmental Systems

BSc Physical Geography

BSc Geographic Information Science

GeoBusiness Joint Major



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Degree + Course Planner

Academic Advising

Need help? Looking for a checklist not listed on this page? Contact an Academic Advisor for assistance.

Generating your Advising Transcript

Click here to get the step by step on generating your advising transcript for your appointment.

Find Your Requirement Term

The requirement term indicates the semester and term a student successfully declared a subject or concentration. The course requirements checklist must correspond with the individual student's req term to ensure they are following the correct requirements.

You will need:

Finding your req term on a transcript: