Brandon Heung

Adjunct Professor

Brandon Heung is an Assistant Professor in Geospatial Informatics, where his primary research interests are in the field of digital soil mapping (DSM) – the intersection of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), spatial analysis, and soil science. In 2017, he received his Ph.D. from the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University, where his research proposed a suite of machine-learning techniques to produce DSMs across Southern British Columbia. His research interests are focussed around these themes: (1) the use of DSM techniques for mapping soils at local-, regional-, and national-scales; (2) the development of digital soil assessment techniques to support land management decisions and policy; and (3) the development of spatiotemporal approaches for modelling soil processes across a landscape. Currently, he is the Co-Chair of the Canadian Digital Soil Mapping Working Group of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, which a network of digital soil mappers from academic, provincial, and federal government agencies. The group participates in the development and distribution of national-scale DSM products for Canada and is actively building national capacity in DSM via training workshops.