Margaret Schmidt

Associate Professor


Associate Professor
Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography, Faculty of Environment, 1998 – present
Assistant Professor
Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography, 1992-1998
Post-doctoral Fellow
University of Alberta, Department of Natural Resources, 1992



Ph.D., Soil Science
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia (1992)
MSc., Forest Soil Science
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario (1986)
BSc, Agriculture, (Resource Management, Land Resource Science)
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario (1983)


Research Interests

Forest Soil Science
Nutrient Cycling
Spatial Analysis of Soil Properties
Digital Soil Mapping
Predictive Soil Mapping
Soil Rehabilitation


Publications in Refereed Journals

Hoffman, D., Krzic, M., Nashon, S., Schmidt, M. 2017. Blending multimedia and face-to-face teaching to enhance learning about the forest floor. Natural Sciences Education. 46: 1-10.

Scarpone, C., Schmidt, M.G., Bulmer, C.E., Knudby, A.2017. Semi-automated classification of exposed bedrock cover in British Columbia's Southern Mountains using a Random Forest approach. Geomorphology. 285:214-224.

Heung, B., *Hodul, M., Schmidt, M.G. 2017. Comparing the use of training data derived from legacy soil pits and soil survey polygons for mapping soil classes. Geoderma. 290: 51-68.

Scarpone, C., Schmidt, M.G., Bulmer, C.E., Knudby, A. 2016. Modelling soil thickness in the critical zone for Southern British Columbia. Geoderma. 282: 59-69.

Montgomery, B, Dragicevic, S., Dujmovic, J., Schmidt, M. 2016. A GIS-based logic scoring of preference method for evaluation of land capability and suitability for agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 124: 340-353.

Heung, B., Ho, H, *Zhang, J, Knudby, A., Bulmer, C., Schmidt, M. 2016. An overview and comparison of machine-learning techniques for classification purposes in digital soil mapping. Geoderma. 265: 62-77.

Bulmer, C. E., Schmidt, M.G.,* Heung, B., *Scarpone, C., *Zhang, J., Filatow, D., Finvers, M., Berch, S., and Smith, C.A.S., 2016. Improved soil mapping in British Columbia, Canada with legacy soil data and Random Forest. In Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries. Springer Environmental Science and Engineering, pp. 291-303.

Heung, B, Bulmer, C.E., Schmidt, M.G. 2013 Predictive soil parent material mapping at a regional-scale: A Random Forest approach. Geoderma: (in press)

Heung, B., Bakker, L, Schmidt, M.G., Dragicevic, S. 2013. Modelling the dynamics of soil redistribution induced by sheet erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation and cellular automata. Geoderma 202-203: 112-125

Lai, T., Dragicevic, S., Schmidt, M. 2013. Integration of multicriteria evaluation and cellular automata methods for landslide simulation modelling. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risks.

Hamdan, K., Schmidt, M. 2012. The influence of bigleaf maple on chemical properties of throughfall, stemflow, and forest floor in coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest. Can. J. For. Res. 42: 868-878.

Sabau, J., Schmidt, M.G. and M. Krzic. 2010. The impact of black cottonwood on soil fertility in coastal western hemlock forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 260: 1350-1358.

Zhao, Y., Krzic, M., Bulmer, C., Schmidt, M.G., and S.W. Simard. 2010. Relative bulk density as a measure of compaction and its influence on tree height growth. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 40: 1724-1735.

Chandler, J., Schmidt, M.G., Dragicevic, S. 2008. Spatial patterns of forest floor properties and litterfall amounts associated with bigleaf maple in conifer forest of southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 88: 295-313.

Turk, T., Schmidt, M.G., Roberts, N. 2008. The influence of bigleaf maple on forest floor and mineral soil properties in a coniferous forest in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management. 255: 1874-1882.

Zhao, Y., M. Krzic, Bulmer, C.E., Schmidt, M.G. 2008. Maximum bulk density of British Columbia forest soils from the Proctor test: relationships with selected physical and chemical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72: 442-452.

Yassemi, S., Dragicevic, S., Schmidt, M.G. 2008. Design and implementation of an integrated GIS-based cellular automata model to characterize forest fire behaviour. Ecological Modelling. 210:71-84.

Blouin, V.M., Schmidt, M.G., Bulmer, C.E., Krzic, M. 2008. Effects of compaction and water content on lodgepole pine seedling growth. Forest Ecology and Management.255: 2444-2452.

Blouin, V.M., Schmidt, M.G., Bulmer, C.E., Krzic, M. 2005. Mechanical disturbance impacts on soil properties and lodgepole pine growth in British Columbia’s central interior. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 85: 681-691.

MacKenzie, M.D., Schmidt, M.G., Bedford, L. 2005. Soil microclimate and nitrogen availability ten years after mechanical site preparation in northern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35: 1854-1866.

Teste, F.P., Schmidt, M.G., Berch, S.M., Bulmer, C.E., Egger, K.N. 2004. Effects of ectomycorrhizal inoculants on survival and growth of Interior Douglas-fir seedlings on reforestation sites and partially rehabilitated landings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34: 2074-2088.

Redding, T.E. , Hope, G.D., Schmidt, M.G., Fortin, M. 2004. Analytical methods for defining stand-clearcut edge effects demonstrated for N mineralization. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.34: 1018-1024.

Redding, T.E., Fortin, M.J., Hope, G.D., Schmidt, M.G., Bailey, W.G. 2003. Spatial patterns of soil temperature and moisture across subalpine forest-clearcut edges in the southern interior of British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 83: 121-130.

Tashe, N.C., Schmidt, M.G. 2003. The influence of understory vine maple on forest floor and mineral soil properties in coastal temperate forests. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 83: 35-44.

Plotnikoff M, Bulmer, C., Schmidt, M.G. 2002. Soil properties and tree growth on rehabilitated landings in the interior cedar hemlock biogeoclimatic zone: British Columbia.

Forest Ecology and Management. 170: 199-215.
Tashe, N, Schmidt, M.G. 2001. The impact of vine maple on site fertility of coastal temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 147: 263-279.

Wardman, C.W., Schmidt, M.G.1998. Growth and form of Douglas-fir adjacent to persistent vine maple gaps in southwestern British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management. 106: 223-233.

Schmidt, M.G., Ogden, A.E., Lertzman, K.P. 1998. Seasonal comparison of soil temperature and moisture in pit and mounds under vine maple gaps and conifer canopy in a coastal western hemlock forest. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 78: 291-300.

Macdonald, S.E., Schmidt, M.G., Rothwell, R.L. 1998. Impacts of mechanical site preparation on foliar nutrients of planted white spruce seedlings on mixed-wood boreal forest sites in Alberta. Forest Ecology and Management, 110: 35-49.

Ogden, A.E., Schmidt, M.G. 1997. Litterfall and soil characteristics in canopy gaps occupied by vine maple in a coastal western hemlock forest. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 77: 703-711.

Schmidt, M.G., S.E. Macdonald, R.L. Rothwell. 1996. Impacts of harvesting and mechanical site preparation on soil chemical properties of mixed-wood boreal forest sites in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 76: 531-540.

Schmidt, M.G., Schreier, H., Shah, P.B. 1995. A GIS evaluation of land use dynamics and forest soil fertility in a watershed in Nepal. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems. 9: 317-327.

Schreier, H.S., Brown, S., Schmidt, M.G., Shah, P.B., Shrestha, B., Nakarmi, G., Wymann, S. 1994. Gaining forests but losing ground: a GIS evaluation in the Himalayas. Environmental Management. 18: 139-150.

Schmidt, M.G., Schreier, H., Shah, P.B. 1993. Factors affecting the nutrient status of forest sites in a mountain watershed in Nepal. Journal of Soil Science. 44: 417-425.

Schmidt, M.G., Carmean, W.H. 1988. Jack pine site quality in relation to soil and topography in North Central Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 18: 297-305.



GEOG 215 The Biosphere

An introduction to the planetary biosphere, its living organisms, and their interactions with each other and the Earth system.

GEOG 317  Soil Science

This course provides an introduction to the study of soils. Topics covered include the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils; soil formation, description classification, survey and use. Students have the opportunity to learn field and laboratory techniques of soil analysis.

GEOG 318  Soils in our Environment

This course provides a survey of soils and their management. The course focuses on the role of soils in the environment; their physical, chemical and biological properties; process of degradation (including erosion, desertification, pollution, and nutrient depletion); and the maintenance of healthy soils. Students have the opportunity to study soils both in the field and in the lab.

GEOG 417  Advanced Soil Science

This course provides advanced treatment of topics in soil science: soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil classification and/or forest soils. Currently the course focuses on the properties and management of forest soils including such topics as: the forest floor, litterfall, roots, mycorrhizae, nutrient availability, climate change and soils, and forest management practice impacts on soils.  Students have the opportunity to study soils in the field and in the lab.

GEOG 617 Soil Science

Current conceptual and methodological issues in soil science research.


Graduate Students - Active

Adrienne Arbor. Comparing the performance of existing pedotransfer functions with machine learning-generated pedotransfer functions on BC soils. MSc. 2020 – present.

Babak Kasraei. Developing predictive soil mapping approaches to support enhanced forest resource inventories. PhD. 2020 – present.

William Bethel. Use of LiDAR and machine-learning to predict soil attributes of managed forests. MSc. 2018 – present.


Graduate Students – Completed

Jin Zhang. Spatial distribution of soil class and soil pH in the Thompson-Okanagan Region, British Columbia. MSc. 2015 – 2019.

Brandon Heung. Regional-scale digital soil mapping in British Columbia using legacy soil survey data and machine-learning techniques. PhD. 2013-2017.

Maciej Jamrozik. Effects of bigleaf maple on the growth and morphology of mature conifers in the southern coastal forests of British Columbia. MSc. 2012 – 2016.

Chris Scarpone. Modelling of exposed bedrock and soil depth in the critical zone of southern British Columbia. MSc. 2012 – 2015.

Darrell Hoffman. Blending multimedia and campus-based learning to teach skills in forest floor description and humus form classification.  MSc (at UBC). 2013 – 2015.

Khaled Hamdan.  The influence of bigleaf maple on spatial patterns of soil properties within conifer forest in southwest B.C. PhD. 2007 – present.

Julie Sabau. The impact of black cottonwood on soil fertility of a coniferous forest in the coastal western hemlock zone of British Columbia. MSc. 2006 – 2009.

Julia Chandler.  Influence of bigleaf maple on soil properties in a conifer forest of southwest British Columbia. MSc. 2004 – 2006.

Tanya Turk. The role of bigleaf maple in soil chemistry and nutrient dynamics in coastal temperate forests. MSc. 2004 – 2006.

Victoria Blouin. Effects of mechanical disturbance on soil properties and lodgepole pine growth in British Columbia’s central interior. MSc. 2002 – 2004.

Francois Teste. Ectomycorrhizal status and growth of interior Douglas-fir on degraded reforestation sites. MSc. 2000 – Sept.

Eva-Maria Boehringer. Plot-scale structure and variability of forest floor properties in an old-growth stand of coastal British Columbia. Masters in Resource Management (MRM). 1999 – 2002.

Todd Redding. Spatial patterns of soil properties across forest-clearcut edges. MSc. Sept. 1999 – Sept. 2001.

Judit Gaspar. On the ecology of Acer circinatum Pursh: A study of factors that affect the distribution of a small hardwood tree within oldgrowth forests in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Ph.D. student at University of Oldenburg, Germany. 1998 – 2002.

Matthew Plotnikoff. Forest productivity and soil conditions on rehabilitated landings, interior B.C. MSc. 1997 –2000.

Derek Mackenzie. Impact of mechanical site preparation on soil properties and nutrient dynamics. MSc.  1996 – July.

Natalie Tashe.     The impact of vine maple on biogeochemical nutrient cycle of conifer-dominated coastal forests in southwestern British Columbia. MSc. 1996 1998.

Martin Kyle. A spatially dynamic riparian buffer model. Masters in Resource Management (MRM).  1994 – 1997.

Chad Wardman.  Growth responses of Douglas-fir and western hemlock around vine maple priority gaps in southwestern British Columbia.  M.Sc. 1994 - 1997.

Aynslie Ogden. Soil characteristics of persistent canopy openings occupied by vine maple in a coastal western hemlock forest. M.Sc. 1993 - 1996.

Alexandra Torn.  Impacts of site preparation on soil properties in boreal forest. Sept. 1991 – Dec. 1996.


Future courses may be subject to change.