Warren Gill Memorial Award

Calling all third year Geography/Human Geography Students!

The SFU Department of Geography is now accepting applications from third year students interested in being considered for the Warren Gill Memorial Award. Named in memory of a former faculty colleague, this award is given every year to a third year student (between 60 and 90 units) in a Geography/Human Geography BA program who displays outstanding leadership and/or service to the community. 

The monetary value of this award varies slightly each year. Last year's award was in the amount of $8,900.00.

Competition details, eligibility criteria and the link to the application form for the award are included below (click on the +).  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions (

Application Deadline:  Thursday, August 15, 2024

Warren Gill Memorial Award - Competition Details

Submission Process:

Completed applications containing the required information/documentation (see below) can be submitted using the Warren Gill Award application webform.  Please submit all files at the same time.

Student Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for this award, you must be:

  • currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program in Geography or Human Geography (major or honours)
  • substantially involved in community service and/or leadership activities (on or off campus)
  • a third year student (between 60 and 90 units).  Students over 90 units may be considered if there are no eligible third year students.
  • in good academic standing (a minimum cgpa is 2.00 is required, however application is competitive)
  • enrolled full time (minimum 9 units) for the Spring term (this will be verified during the Spring term)

Required Applicant Information/Documentation:

  • Full Name
  • SFU Student Number
  • Details of your intended enrolment for the Spring term (number of units/intended courses, etc.)
  • The name of a faculty member/s who would be willing to provide you with a reference
  • A written summary of your community service and/or leadership-related activities (please include as an attachment in Word or pdf format)
  • A current resume
  • A letter of reference outlining your involvement in community-service and/or leadership activities (this must be from a person who can speak to your work in support of the particular organization or initiative.  A supervisor is recommended.)
  • A copy of your advising transcript