3. Methodology

The implementation of my project is divided into two parts:
First, I wanted to analyse, if there are any social factors which are dominating the areas 'Starbucks' are located. And if so, what are these in detail?
Second, after determing the specific factors, which seem to correlate with the location of the 'Starbucks', are there other areas for placements of further 'Starbucks'? Has 'Starbucks' occupied all the suitable parts of Vancouver or are some of them left?
For the first part of my analysis I had to manipulate the data. I have already chosen the categories of the data I wanted to look at. Moreover, I had to determine the composition of each factor. Which are necessary and helpful factors, which of them are useless for my project?

For my analysis I wanted to create different maps all showing the impacts of one special social factor.
At least I chose the following factors:
I extracted the essence of those relationships (e.g. the main group of age in a Census Tract where the most 'Starbucks' are located is between 30 and 40 years) and made them to a principle influencing the distribution of 'Starbucks'. In my opinion the factors above give an overview of the criteria influencing the locations of 'Starbucks'. Nevertheless, I know that a high correlation can also be a result of coincidence...

Carthographic Model





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