Methodological & Operating Problems



Problems on analyzing Commercial Areas:

    As the raster data for commercial areas in the SIS drive are used for GVRD, what I needed is the areas of Tri-cities only.  I have tried to convert these ratser data back to the vector data for using in Arcview, as easier to manage, but it was not succeeded.  I have also tried converting into grid in Arcview, there were nothing shown in Arcview.  Based on my limit knowledge on GIS, especially on IDRISI, what I tried to do is to digitize the commercial areas, based on the file of "landuse.rst".  Although I recognized this method was not accurate enough, the commercial area is an important criteria for locating a suitable area of Dog Daycare business. 


Problems on changing the Projection for the Shapefiles:

   As I clipped the Tri-cities area from the GVRD data, I needed to consider the projection of the maps.  I have used the projection utility in Arcview to change the projection.  The first few times of projection changes were not succeeded at all and also created some error messages, so I asked Jasper to give me a hand.  I just did the same procedures to change the projection while Jasper standing behind me.  Just miracle, it worked!  But after Jasper is gone, the error message was occurred again, of course, I have tried so many time to get the projection changes done.  I still don't understand what I went wrong, unless Jasper wasn't beside me.  (haha...maybe the program likes Jasper only ^v^)


Defect on the MCE result:

   The MCE "final_MCE.rst" did not show a great result, as the outcome of the constraints (Dog Expenses, Household Income and Household with no children) are all concentrated in the area of Port Moody.  These seemed to be not very accurate at all.  Therefore, the MCE result is influenced.