

This project is designed to analyze which areas would be suitable and fulfill the criteria to open a new dog daycare business in Tri-cities, which include Port Moody, Coquitlam, and Port Coquitlam.

The criteria are classified as factors and constraints in the following:



I. Proximity of Conglomeration (Pet Hospitals & Dog-Grooming)

If the new dog daycare is situated nearby these pet hospitals and dog-grooming, this is one of the factors to attract more dog owners. 


    Click to See Cartographic Models of phospfuzzy & groomfuzzy

    Images of pethospdist & groomingdist:



II. Distance from Competitions:

Competitions is an important factor that can influence the profit of the new dog daycare business.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of competfuzzy

    Images of competdist:



III. Proximity of Parks:

As opening a dog daycare business, we are responsible to take the dogs to have dog walk.  Therefore, parks are also important to be considered in this project.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of parksfuzzy

    Images of parksdist:



IV. Proximity of Highways:

With opening any businesses, transportation must be one of the important factors.  We assumed most of the dog owners drive, so proximity of highways should be considered.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of highwaysfuzzy

    Images of highwaysdist:




I. Dog Expenses

We should know about how much the dog owners are willing to spend on their dogs in our study area.  The areas with higher expenses on dogs' appliances would have higher potential to run a good dog daycare business.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of expensecon

    Images of expenser:



II. Household Income

As my target customers are having income within $70,000-$80,000, the people in these income range should be able to afford better living, and also able to taking dogs.  They have to work on weekdays, so no one can take care their dogs.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of incomecon

    Images of incomer:



III. Household with no children

As my target customers are needed to work and do not have time to take care the dogs, they even cannot have time to take care children.  Therefore, I will also take the household without children as one of the constraints.


    Click to See Cartographic Models of nochildcon

    Images of nochildr:



IV. Commercial Areas

A commercial area must be considered for opening a dog daycare business, because it may not open nearby the residential or industrial areas, etc.  Therefore, the landuse is an important constraint in the project.  (But I have a problem on analyzing the data, I will discuss it on methodological & operating problems.)


    Click to See Cartographic Models of commercialcon

    Images of commercialr: