
The Cartographic model of my project.
    I have split my project into three sections.  First part concentrates on elementary schools in North Vancouver.  The second, on highschools and the third on the two post secondary institutions.  I had to do this because each school category has different caracteristics and cannot be combined.  For example, highschool students are more likely to walk, ride a bike or use some other mode of transportation to school if within their buffer zone, where as a higher precentage of elementary students would get a ride from thier parents due to security issues.  Post secondary students have the greatest ability to access car use.  Therefore these three school categories require different sized buffer zones and must be addressed separately.
1) Cartographic model for the highschool analysis.
Using the school polygon shape file i created a buffer file for each type of school.  A 1500 buffer was used in this case because i estimated that 1.5 km was the furthest high school students are willing to travel by walking, or other non viechle truansportation.  


2) Cartographic model for the elementary school analysis.

3) Cartographic model for the post secondary school analysis.

4) Cartographic model of the myltiple layer map of North Vancouver.  For this image i combined four different layers to display schools in thier categories, residential areas, school catchment areas, and the road network.
The main idea of this project was to create three different images showing the most suitable areas to place school bus stations.  To do this i used a few different types of criteria.  


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