Station 3

Figure 26a. Station 3, featuring watersheds.


Station 3 is situated in the Fraser Canyon, in the northeastern section of the Georgia Basin. There are no current hydrometric stations (yellow) in its immediate vicinity. The station is actually located on the small stream of order 1. This satisfies the under-representation of this stream order in the Fraser watershed group. However, given its extremely close proximity to the Fraser River, one might consider moving the station to the Fraser. There are no stations on the Fraser in the Georgia Basin this far north. Also, this would increase the small number of stations on this river of stream order 9.


Figure 26b. Station 3, featuring terrain and roads.


Station 3 can be accessed by a one-lane gravel road (red line), which is connected to various decommissioned roads and track carts. The Trans-Canada Highway is also across the river from it but not joined to it. There is a small flat area immediately adjacent to the site that appears to be suitable for a helicopter landing pad. This might be a preferred means of accessing it given that it would likely be difficult by road.

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