Locational Analysis for Areas Suitable for Recovery Experiment in Africa
Rainbow line

Conceptual Outline 
Data Collection 
Spatial Analysis 

Cartography Map - Part I

The values used for RECLASS of afpetann are:
 [-2000, 0) 0 (background)
 [1, 2000) 1 (non-experimental)
 [2000, 9999) 2 (experimental)

The values used for RECLASS of afprcann are:
 [-2000, 0) 0 (background)
 [200, 9999) 1 (non-experimental)
 [0, 200) 2 (experimental)

The values used for RECLASS of other 5 raster files are:
 0 0 0
 1 1 1
 1 2 2
 1 3 3
 3 4 4
 2 5 5
 1 6 6
Note: 0-0 (background)
         1-1, 2,3, 6 (Low, moderate, high, no effect of the severity)
         2-5 (Lakes)
         3-4 (Very high)

The values used for Assign the results of CROSSTAB are
 first map    second map         new value                     meaning
       1                  1                       1                          (suitable)
       2                  2                       2                          (Lakes)
If either of the maps with value 3 cross with 1 or 3, the result is 3 because as long as one factor is too sever for plant, it should be assign to value 3 (not suitable). If any 0 cross with 2, the result is 2 since in some maps the value of the lake is the same as the background 0. If 0 cross with 1 or 3, it is still 0.

Cartography Map - Part II

Values to RECLASS lakes_proj:
[0,0) 0 background
[1, 99999) 1 lakes

Values to RECLASS rivlak_dist:
[0, 0.1) 0 rivers or lakes
[0.1, 20) 1 experimental areas
[20, 99999) non-experimental areas

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