Data Collection


As can be seen, in certain layers surrogates were used where the exact data desired was not obtainable. The housing cost layer was used as a surrogate for land value data which would still reflect the differences in value across the census tracts. Digitizing was used to compensate for layers that could not possibly exist considering that the project is 2010. For skytrain, using the skytrain layer that was available from the S:/ drive, I digitized in the Millenium Line which has just recently been completed, the extension of that line from Lougheed Station to Coquitlam Center, which according to Translink should be built by 2010, as should the line from dowtown to Richmond Center with an extension to the Airport. Its worth noting here that the Richmond extension is still in the planning stages. Light rail and other options are still being considered here, however what specific line gets built is not important, just that there is a medium capacity line (10 000 ppl/ hour) built by 2010 is all that is necessary to be relevant in the analysis.

The Olympic Village point layer was digitized over top of the city layer, placed as a point arbitrarily in the Southeast False Creek area, which is considered to be the most likely site for the Olympic Athlete's Village during the Olympics. It is desirable that Olympic activites and events are located in as compact an areas as possible so as to reduce demand on the transportation system, and contribute to a more cohesive Olympic experience.

Digitzed Ice Rink Layer was created over top city and road layers. Web searches, phone books, an arena directory, and personal knowledge produced a list of 38 ice rinks and their addresses in the Lower Mainland. Addresses were inputted into a mapping-directions tool available on the website, and individual locations were identified and digitized. A database was created and linked to the vector version of the layer which included names of each facility.