Methodology and Spatial Analysis

    In this section, I am going to examine my result of this project into 3 parts, cartographic model, results in MCE (Multiple Criteria Evaluation) and spatial analysis. The map-producing procedures, as well as my effort on interpreting the functions of IDRISI, are shown in the "cartographic models". The resulting maps and the calculation of weighted factors are in the part of  "results in MCE". In the "spatial analysis", I explore all the possibilities, the problems, constraints, remedies for agriculture provided from alley farming in Africa.

     The following table has shown the layers that are related to my analysis.

Layers Characteristics Which part I use
agri The area affected by agriculture I have edited it with the affected area (1)
forest The area has been deforested I have chosen the deforested part(1) to work on
grazing The area has been overgrazed I have selected the overgrazed area (3) to work on
rate Rates of comprehensive degradation As alley farming can help protecting the land from severe degradation, I choose the "slow", "moderate" and "not detected" areas (1,2,5) to work on
severity The severity of soil degradation alley farming can reduce the soil degradation, so I have picked the "slow", "moderate" and "not detected" areas (1,2,6) to work on
chemical Severity of chemical deterioration of the soil The crops and trees in alley farm have negative effect of chemical reaction, so I have chosen the low chemical reaction area  and no chemical detected area (1,6)
physical Severity of physical deterioation of the soil The same reason as indicates in the chemical part above, so I have picked the part of low physical and no physical detected area (1,6)
rainyear Annual rain precipitation(mm) I have chosen the range from 380 to 2800 mm
watersev Severity of water erosion I have selected the low and moderate areas (1,2)
windsev Severity of wind erosion I have selected the low and moderate areas (1,2)
soiltex Soil texture I have chosen the coarse to medium, coarse to fine, medium to fine, coarse to medium to fine and organic soil texture. (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
country(vector file) country boundaries in Africa I have applied this vector layer on other maps for analysis

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