Cartographic Models

The 8 factors that weighted into the Multiple Criteria Evaluation (MCE)
Generally, I use the ASSIGN and EDIT to get the area of the layers that I want, then , I use DISTANCE for all the edited layers to make the "dist" images.

The procedures for creating the MCE map
I arrange all the DISTANCE maps into FUZZY operation, then put all the layers into WEIGHT and MCE. After I get the map "alleywlc", I put all the files into the COLLECTION EDITOR for creating a raster group file.

In order to process the fuzzy maps, I have assigned the control points as follow:
phychemfuzzy: control point c: 2.25
                                                 d: 17.99
alleywaterfuzzy: control point c: 1.52
                                                 d: 17.99
alleywindfuzzy: control point c: 2.44
                                                 d: 17.07
alleysoilfuzzy: control point c: 1.14
alleyforestfuzzy: contol point c: 1.44
                                                   d: 21.93
alleygrazfuzzy: control point c :1.31
                                                  d: 20.75
alleyratefuzzy: control point c: 1.50
                                                  d: 20.24
alleyagrifuzzy: control point c: 2.31
                                                 d: 23.05

The cartographic models of other maps
       ASSIGN ,EDIT and BUFFER are used for the map of soil texture. For the map of the annual rainfall in Africa, I have used the FUZZY for analyzing.

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