
      Africa is famous at her arid deserts and non-urbanized landscape. However, Africa may not meet the traditional requirements for agriculture. In order to increase the productivity, Africa may transfer the agricutural system from other countires. This method cannot solve the agricultural problems in long run, because of its difference in soils and climates from other countries. Soil and water erosion are caused, as
well as land degradation.

       Alley farming can help improving the farming conditions and maintain the long-term environmental sustainability. The main characteristics of alley farming is to integrate the stocks and the perennial vegetation, shrubs and trees, into farmlands.The perennial vegetations offer wind protection to the crops, soil and stocks. The variety of goods and agricultural products, such as, crops, timbers , fruits, meat, milk etc, can be produced by alley farming system.

       Murray Darling Basin in Africa is a successful example of alley farming in arid region. In this project, I am going to analyze the planning considerations of alley farming and how it is suitable for practising in Africa.

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