Operation: GIS


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We, at Erken Command Central, have conducted in depth research into the Earth culture. Background information to determine the criteria for infiltrating the humans were compiled from:

Sonnenfeld, B. (Director). (1997). Men in Black [Motion Picture]. United States of America: Sony Pictures Digital Inc.

Sonnenfeld, B. (Director). (2002) Men in Black II [Motion Picture]. United States of America: Sony Pictures Digital Inc.

Gough, A. & Millar, M. (Creators). (2001) Smallville [Television series]. United States of America: Warner Brothers Inc.








Any additional information was acquired by secretly tapping into Shareen Chin's imagination.


Data regarding spatial information was appropriated from the GVRD Landuse, DMTI Datasets and the Data Warehouse in the S: Drive of the SIS computer lab at Simon Fraser University. Any other data was digitized by hand using addresses located on Google Maps Canada. All data layers were placed or developed in ArcMap before being imported to IDRISI.