The following table explains the rating of pairwise comparison between factors.


Pairwise Factors



Bus route/skytrain


Proximity to bus service is more important than to skytrain stations because the bus service covers area larger the skytrain service. back



Proximity to current libraries are less important than to the skytrain stations because new library should be accessible. Places with high accessibility tend to have high population density, which provides patrons to the library. If patron groups are large enough to consume the library services, it is not concerned that whether these populated place have more than one library. back  

Community centre/ skytrain


The reason is similar to the rating between proximity to library and skytrain station. back 

Pop.(10-59)/ skytrain


Whether an area has enough population to support or consume the library service is more important. back

Pop.(education)/ skytrain


The reason is similar as the above. Population is a significant factor to be considered. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ skytrain


The reason is similar as the above. Population is a significant factor to be considered. back

Land use/skytrain


Certain land use areas are desirable, such as residential and undeveloped areas, but proximity to skytrain station is also important. back

Library/bus route


Areas proximity to bus route are accessible and more desirable. Places with high accessibility tend to have high population density, which provides patrons to the library. If patron groups are large enough to consume the library services, it is not concerned that whether these populated place have more than one library. back

Community centre/ bus route


The reason is similar as the above, but proximity to community centres is less important. back

Pop.(10-59)/    bus route


Population age between 10 to 59 contribute 87% of patrons of library, so this factor is more important than proximity to bus routes. back

Pop.(education)/ bus route


Population with secondary education or high are the main library users, so locating in area  where this type of population has high density is more important than proximity to bus route. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ bus route


Immigrants are the main users of the multilingual and ESL materials provided in public libraries, so locating in area with dense immigrant population is more important. back

Land use/        bus route


They are equally important. Also see "Land use/skytrain". back

Community centre/ library


They are equally important because staying away from current libraries to avoid repeating services is as important as proximity to community centres, which makes new library closer to other community services. back



Population factor is more important because if patron groups are large enough to consume the library services, it is not concerned that whether these populated place have more than one library back

Pop.(education)/ library


The reason is same as the above. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ library


The reason is same as the above, but since immigrants contribute a portion of library users that is not larger than population age between 10-59 and with secondary education, this factor is less important than them. back

Land use/ library


Land use selection is more important because some land use, e.g. commercial, has a higher cost for new library to locate. back

Pop.(10-59)/ community centre


When comparing to proximity to community centres, population factors are more important because these factors indicates where the potential library users concentrate back

Pop.(education)/ community centre


The reason is same as the above. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ community centre


The reason is same as the above, but since immigrants contribute a portion of library users that is not larger than population age between 10-59 and with secondary education, this factor is less important than them. back

Land use/ community centre


Because some land use, e.g. commercial, has a higher cost for new library to locate. back

Pop.(education)/ pop.(10-59)


These two factors are equally important because both are the main sources of library users. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ pop.(10-59)


Since immigrants contribute a portion of library users that is not larger than population age between 10-59, this factor is less important. back

Land use/       pop.(10-59)


Some land use may has higher cost for new library to locate, but locating the library closer to the potential users is more important. back

Pop.(immigrant)/ Pop.(education)


Since immigrants contribute a portion of library users that is not larger than population with secondary education, this factor is less important. back

Land use/       Pop.(education)


Some land use may has higher cost for new library to locate, but locating the library closer to the potential users is more important. back

Land use/       Pop.(immigrant)


They are equally important. Even immigrants are important sources of library users (but not as important as the other two population factors), the cost of locating in a certain land use is also important. back


  1. When a factor is compared to itself, the rate of importance always equals to 1 because same objects are equally important.
  2. A rating of the first factor to the second factor is reciprocal to the rating of the second factor to the first factor, for example, the rating comparing proximity to bus route and the proximity to the skytrain station is 3 and the rating for the inverse relation is 1/3. Hence, in the following table do not explain the rating for their inverse comparisons.     

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