Spatial Analysis
As mentioned above, the data pre-processing was completed in ESRI ArcGIS and the entire analysis was completed using IDRISI Kilimanjaro. A series of reclass proceedures of the DEM_Rivers layer was completed to determine the best method to creating the desired series of archaeological site based cost surfaces and least cost pathways. These final images were called friction1_1 and friction2_1 as shown in the images below. Friction1_1 is composed of a friction surface that uses elevation to increase surface friction and asses the river at an insignificant friction level, which would promote a least cost path to utilise this fluvial path. Friction2_1 employs a similar increase of friction by elevation but uses the rivers as a high friction barrier. It is important to note that the rivers are not an absolute barrier and they have to be crossed at some point, just minimizing the cost and frequency of crossing in the process.
The use of IDRISI Kilimanjaro macro modeller function, a great deal of the iterative processing that was invovled in the creation and re-creation of the appropriate friction surfaces. The time saving of the macro modeller cannot be underplayed. Three models were used to create the 4 output types. These models emphasize the iterative nature of the proceedures that were being used but also allow the various processing techniques to be highlighted.
Macro model sub-module
Macro model of insignifican river friction
Macro model of significant river friction
These represent the cost surfaces that were created for the above macro models.
Friction surface representing significant river friction
Friction surface of insignificant river friction
These friction surfaces provided the input for the cost module, creating the two types of friction surfaces as seen below.
Cost surface of site 13 with insignificant river friction
Cost surface of site 13 with significant river friction
These friction surfaces were then used to create the least cost pathways for the sites used in this study.
Least cost pathway originating at site 13 with insignificant river friction
Least cost pathway originating at site 13 with significant river friction.
These were created for all of the sites (n=10) and can be viewed on the all outputs page, linked below.