Spatial Analysis

Results of the MCE: Non-Boolean Standardization and Weighted Linear Combination used for locating the ideal location for the construction of a rugby field in Port Moody.

Initial image that was created

Overlay of MCE evaluation on the municipal boundary of Port Moody


Reclass of MCE Evaluation to make the image more readable


    The above images are the results of MCE that was done. One criteria that I wasn't able to acquire was future development. This criteria would have been beneficial, because it would have eliminated a number of sites from the final image. For example in the north east section of the map there is a large area that has been considered most suitable for development. However there is one problem a large portion of this land is owned by land developers and this land is slated to be an expansion of the existing Heritage Mountain area. In other words this land would not be suitable for a new field. The most obvious site for the location of a rugby field is in the north west corner of the map. The area is easy accessible as it is located near Ioco Road, which is the main road on the north side of Port Moody. There is plenty of available land for construction. In addition it is located near a school. Unfortunately there is now pub within the area, but the other factors make up for this.

    In conclusion the ideal location for a rugby field would be at the corner of Ioco Road and East Road (northwest Port Moody).

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