Background Research


Background Research           

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Spatial Analysis


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The forest sector is one of British Columbia’s biggest economic industries. The abundance of forests here in the West has allowed us to take advantage of this natural resource. The supply of wood and value-added wood products has brought B.C prosperity and economic wealth. In addition to this fortune are the various environmental issues associated with deforestation and its impact on environmental change. Many people are concerned with our forest practices and strive to decrease the current rate of deforestation or in some cases attempt to completely stop the logging activities. Both views taken into account, the logging companies and the environmentalists, there has to be some form of compromise, which is not easy to achieve. Logging will NOT stop despite the efforts of the environmentalists but their hard work is not in vain. Because of this complementary relationship, loggers do not log as much as they could or want and environmentalists do not always succeed in stopping every plot of land marked for cutting. We are more or less in a state of equilibrium.

The goal of this project is to determine the potential areas of forest that are within specified parameters, to be cut down on Vancouver Island. This project is an extremely simplified version of what in actuality occurs in the planning communities of the forest industries, the environmental groups, and the governments. It is no where near a representation of an actual industry-classed spatial analysis but only a simplified personal view of what might be some of the limitations and constraints that bound the logging companies when searching for a potential plot of land.










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