Any GIS analyses are only as good as the data and method of data collection used, thus the focus for this project was to use first hand data. The data used were Orthophotos from the Langley Township and field data collect by myself, with the help of Sebastian, Lachlan and Andrew Hamer. Not only did the field data provide soil data, but also the elevation and GPS coordinates were used to verify the secondary contour and road data locations.
Land Classification:
The Land Classification was created using 4 orthophotos from the Langley Township which were mosaiked together and then clipped in Archview. The land classification was derived using Maximum likelihood in ENVI with the supervised method. The dark blue is water, green is cottonwood trees and blackberries, light blue are developed areas including roads, yellow are evergreens and the red is open space.
The first image shows the final classification product and the second image are the regions the classification was created from:
The DEM was created using contours from the Langley Township. The contours were imported as a shapefile into ArchGIS and using the TIN tool created a DEM. Slope was then derived from the DEM using the slope function in Archview.
Image 1 is a display of the Contours to DEM and image 2 displays the DEM to Slope.
Soil Points:
Using a GPS, 12 locations were determined. A one foot hole was dug and a soil type was determined based on the look and feel of the soil. The point was categorised as either sandy/silt, silt or organic matter. From the GPS coordinates point shapefiles were created and then rasterised and imported into Edrisi.
Image shows data point locations:
Data Name
Data Use
Langley Township Orthophoto (2011)
Image Format (.tif)
Derive Land Classification Map
And Overall layout of Study Location.
Land Classification
Image Format (.tif)
M. MacInnes
Created in ENVI
To Create Constraints- Water, Pre-existing Buildings, and Roads and Railway.
Contours and Elevation Points
Shapefile (.shp) and M. MacInnes (field data collection).
Factor: Derive DEM and thus Slope using Archview.
Soil Types
Shapefile (.shp)
Melanie MacInnes, (field data collection).
Factor: Used to derive distance operation.
Shapefile (.shp)
Used to derive Road Buffer and Distance operation.