Supporters and Partners
SFU Galleries is generously supported by Simon Fraser University, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the British Columbia Arts Council, along with numerous foundations, community partners, donors, and volunteers. We are especially grateful for the visionary support of the Marianne and Edward Gibson Trust.
2023-2024 Partners and Supporters
Art Metropole
Contemporary Art Garage, Ottawa
Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles
Fine Art Framing & Services Ltd.
Illingsworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta University of the Arts
Kay Slater
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
Mackenzie Art Gallery
Malaspina Printmakers Society
Or Gallery
Publication Studio Vancouver
SFU Campus/Community Radio – CJSF 90.1 FM
SFU Department of Biological Sciences
SFU Department of Urban Studies
SFU Indigenous Curriculum Resource Centre
SFU Indigenous Student Centre
SFU Libraries
SFU Office for Aboriginal Peoples
SFU School for the Contemporary Arts
SFU School for the Contemporary Arts Audain Visual Artist in Residence Program
SFU Science Technical Centre
SFU Special Collections and Rare Books
SFU Surrey Campus
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Toronto Metropolitan University