
Ashon T. Crawley, yes. surrender. bloom. (number 3) (in progress), 2020. Courtesy the artist. 

Talk: YES with Ashon T. Crawley

Friday, June 26, 5:30PM PDT
Presented on Zoom

Please contact to register.

In this talk, scholar and artist Ashon T. Crawley considers the posture of "yes" as a blackqueer, sacred practice. Blackpentecostal practices of welcome, openness, vulnerability, and porosity will be explored as a way to say yes to this pandemic moment, to say yes to life and birth and breath against settler colonialism, against antiblack racism, and against policing and violence. Can one surrender through desire? Can one surrender as a kind of weakness that is about accepting the vulnerability of being, a delight in need and want? An audiovisual, choreosonic event, this talk will include sonic and visual artwork. 

Attendees are encouraged to pose questions and offer reflections during the Zoom presentation using the Q&A function. Attendees will also be able to engage with each other and SFU Galleries during the event using the Chat function.

Ashon T. Crawley is a performance based and visual artist, and curates audiovisual, choreosonic events globally. He is author of Blackpentecostal Breath: The Aesthetics of Possibility (2016) and The Lonely Letters (2020). All his work is about otherwise possibility.

