Indigenous Languages Program (INLP)

The mission of INLP and our Community Academic Outreach programs is the collective and individual empowerment of Indigenous peoples through education, taking into account First Nations' own knowledge systems, histories, ways of being and learning. Aware of the powerful role that Indigenous languages and language revitalization play for the present and future identity, well-being and wholeness of Indigenous peoples and communities, the Indigenous Languages Program works with speech communities and organizations to enable Indigenous language learning off campus in First Nations communities. Since 1993 and in partnership with Indigenous organizations, we have offered courses in some 18 languages in British Columbia and Yukon.

The Indigenous Languages Program (INLP) is a continuation of the award-winning SFU Kamloops Program, where the Indigenous Studies programs, Indigenous language proficiency programs and language courses were originally developed and offered. Between 1988 and 2011, more than 400 students graduated from the SFU Kamloops Program with SFU credentials, including Certificates, Diplomas, BA, BGS and BEd degrees. Through Community Academic Outreach Programming (FNEP), students completed Major and Minor programs in concentrations such as Anthropology and Sociology, Linguistics, Indigenous Studies, and Archaeology.

The INLP motto is “Help yourself and help one another."

Updated monthly! Events, articles, and feature profiles on students, faculty, and alumni.  

Discover all the programs INLP has to offer, from certificates to graduate programs. 
    Applications are being accepted for the Indigenous Languages and Linguistics Graduate Programs. Credentials available: Graduate Certificate (GC); Master of Arts in Indigenous Languages and Linguistics (MA INLL).
    The MA INLL is a two-year program focused entirely on training individuals who will go on to support the reclamation, revitalization, and strengthening of their Indigenous languages. Read more about the program here⁣.

FALL 2024
Find out how to apply for graduation and know about upcoming deadlines. 
    Ready to graduate? Get your application form completed using the detailed instructions here
   Undergraduate INLP students: use this resource for guidance on how to prepare to apply to graduate. 


May 5th is the annual National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S). On this day each year we remember the people who have lost their lives to colonial, gender-based violence, and their families and communities that live daily with the grief of losing loved ones. 

FALL 2024

Save the date and come celebrate our graduates!

Thursday, October 10 at 2:30p.m.
Convocation Mall, Burnaby campus

See this map for ceremony location.

Congratulations to our SUMMER 2024 INLP graduates!

Convocation Ceremony for Indigenous Langauges credentials

Ceremony B
October 10, 2024 (2:30 pm)

Congratulations to our SUMMER 2024 INLP graduates!

Congratulations to our SPRING 2024 INLP graduates!

Convocation Ceremony for Indigenous Langauges credentials

Ceremony A
June 11, 2024  (9:45 a.m.)

Congratulations to our graduates of the Fall 2023 ceremony! 

Credentials awarded:

  • Certificate in Indigenous Language Proficiency 
  • Diploma in Indigenous Language Proficiency
  • Master of Arts MA Project: Bak̓wa̱mk̓ala; Haíɫzaqvḷa; Hul'q'umi'num'; Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Snichim; Tlingit

Learn more about our INLP Alumni 

SFU Convocation Story: Kèyishí Bessie Cooley, 2023 Master's graduate

SFU Convocation Photo Album 2019: Elder Ruby Peter, 2019 Honorary Doctorate

See our Alumni Page for more stories and information.