about us
members only
site design by jane


We have an active and ever growing e-mail list, which, upon joining, will give you updates on both our activities on campus and upcoming schedules. That is, when we have a schedule! For now, however, it's largely groundwork discussion.

To Subscribe: Simply send an e-mail to maillist@sfu.ca, with subscribe film-society as the subject line. This will allow you to send to receive mail from the list, as well as send to it. NOTE that this list is open discussion; the volume of e-mails has the potential to become substantial.

If you don't want discussion, but merely periodic updates on what, where, and when films are screening, you'll want to join our information list. This list is NOT interactive; it is strictly informative.

To Subscribe: Simply send an e-mail to maillist@sfu.ca, with subscribe film-info as the subject line.