Tips on working with SFU AEM pages

General Tips


Source Edit

From time to time, AEM uses special fonts for text components. To ensure the text stay as you like, please always use "Source Edit".

since "Source Edit" has tiny edit window, we strongly suggest using a programmer's editor for the editing. Notepad++ is a good one on Windows side.

A few tips on using Notepad++ for this task:

save the source code in file with extension "html" - so the editor could give you syntax hightlights.

increase the fonts size of the edit field to the level which make your eyes comfortable

set "word wrap" to see all the contents with less scrolling

use more indentations for better clarity


Sample source code (well formatted for human eyes)

the source code


        <span style="font-family:Consolas;color:red;">

            This is a sample



        <span style="font-family:Consolas;background-color:blue;color:black;font-size:200%;">

            This is another sample



This segment of code will display as follows:

This is a sample
This is another sample


here is another example in real play:

<p style="margin-left: 40.0px;">

method 1: in the format of 

&quot;<span style="font-family:Consolas;font-style:italic;font-size:125.0%;color:darkblue">RoleAccount</span><span style="font-family:Consolas;font-size:125.0%">:</span><span style="font-family:Consolas;font-style:italic;font-size:125.0%;color:purple">myuserid</span>&quot;

- (the role account, a colon and then your personal SFU userid)


the segment of code will display as following line:


method 1: in the format of "RoleAccount:myuserid" - (the role account, a colon and then your personal SFU userid)



<div style="background-color: rgb(219,243,250);">First and foremost, you must...</div>

First and foremost, you must...

About links on AEM pages

only the following 2 formats are valid for any link:

absolute URL of  an SFU AEM page (author site), for example:


absolute URL, for example:


2021.11.15: this page is created.

it had URL:

we linked to this page fom

method 1: relative URL

method 2: absolute SFU AEM URL

both work (2021.11.15).

the second testing step:

move this page to a different place (e.g. renaming to zzz1 and see if the links from the parent page still works.)

result: only absolute SFU AEM URL follows/works!


conclusion: always only use absolute SFU AEM URL for links under AEM.


Text component testing: size (SFU AEM defaults)


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5




Now we use percentage:


source code: style="margin-left: 10.0px;font-family:Consolas;font-size:99%;"




















differences on different devices - when font sizes are different:

we have 4 images here (date: 2024.12.10)

As you can see:

- on desktop, it is better to use size 200%

- on mobile phone, it is better to use size 130%



^^^ size 200% on Edge (131.0.2903.86) on Windows 11 FU24H2.

^^^ size 200% on Chrome (131.0.6778.104) on Android 14 (Kernel: 5.15.123) on UMIDIGI G9 5G.

^^^ size 130% on Edge (131.0.2903.86) on Windows 11 FU24H2.

^^^ size 130% on Chrome (131.0.6778.104) on Android 14 (Kernel: 5.15.123) on UMIDIGI G9 5G.

Text component testing: Color of text


try different colors for the texts:

This color is called Tomato.

source code:
<span style="color:tomato">This color is called Tomato.</span>


My face is red  but my heart is blue.

source code:
<span style="color: black;">My face is</span>&nbsp;<span style="color: red;">red</span>&nbsp; but my heart is<span style="color: blue;">&nbsp;blue</span>





<p style="border: 1.0px solid gray; font-size: 200.0%;"><span style="background-color: blue; color: black;">FR</span><span style="background-color: white; color: black;">AN</span><span style="background-color: red; color: black;">CE</span></p>


<div style="background-color: #dbf3fa; border: 1.0px solid gray;"> test code </div>

test code


Text component testing: Fonts

These monospaced fonts which are NOT available on SFU AEM

span style="font-family:Lucida typewriter;" NOT availabe on SFU AEM

span style="font-family:Monaco;color:red" NOT availabe on SFU AEM

span style="font-family:Andale Mono;color:red" NOT availabe on SFU AEM

(monospace fonts) (fixed-width fonts) - Courier

span style="font-family:Courier;color:blue"
^^^ when these 3 lines are aligned, Courier functions fixed-width (PERFECT) in this browser on this device.

(monospace fonts) (fixed-width fonts) - Courier New (bold)

span style="font-family:Courier New;color:blue;font-weight:bold;"
^^^ when these 3 lines are aligned, Courier New;font-weight:bold; functions fixed-width (PERFECT) in this browser on this device.

(monospace fonts) (fixed-width fonts) - Consolas

span style="font-family:Consolas;color:blue"
^^^ when these 3 lines are aligned, Consolas functions fixed-width (PERFECT) in this browser on this device.

(monospace fonts) (fixed-width fonts) - lucida console

span style="font-family:lucida console;color:blue"
^^^ when these 3 lines are aligned, lucida console functions fixed-width (PERFECT) in this browser on this device.

(monospace fonts) (fixed-width fonts) - Lucida Sans Typewriter

span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Typewriter;color:blue"
^^^ when these 3 lines are aligned, Lucida Sans Typewriter functions fixed-width (PERFECT) in this browser on this device.

Here are some SANS-SERIF fonts (typeface fonts) (propotional fonts) (variable-width fonts)

span style="font-family:Arial"

span style="font-family:Arial Black"

span style="font-family:Arial narrow"

span style="font-family:Arial Rounded MT Bold"

span style="font-family:verdana"



Here are some SERIF fonts (typeface fonts) (propotional fonts) (variable-width fonts)

span style="font-family:Times New Roman"

span style="font-family:Lucida Bright"



adjust spacing

list (ul)

default spacing

  • item #01
  • item #02
  • item #03

tight spacing (important for mobile browsing):

-- this may work for the 2015 look-and-feel:

---- please note: the line-height 110% works better for the 2025 look-and-feel:

  • item #11
  • item #12
  • item #13

source code:


 <li style="line-height: 90%;margin-bottom:0.3em">item #11</li>

 <li style="line-height: 90%;margin-bottom:0.3em">item #12</li>

 <li style="line-height: 90%;margin-bottom:0.3em">item #13</li>


trying 3 dirrent bullets

  • top level item 0, try '◾'
    • 2nd level item 22, '•'
    • 2nd level item 23, or '●' (bigger)?
      • 3rd level item 333, '⬥'
      • 3rd level item 334, '⬥'
  • top level item 1. try '◾'

trying 3 dirrent bullets (color: red)

    what we see here
  • top level item 0, try '◾'
    • 2nd level item 20, '◾'
    • 2nd level item 21, '•'
    • 2nd level item 20-1, or '●' (bigger)?
    • 2nd level item 22, '⬥'
      • 3rd level item 300, '◾'
      • 3rd level item 311, '•'
      • 3rd level item 322, '⬥'
  • top level item 1. try '•'
  • top level item 2. try '⬥'

^^^ please note: without the "list-style-type: '◾';" on the top ul, this will not work at all

trying 3 different bullets (color: red)

  • top level item 0, try '◾' (U+25FE)
    • 2nd level item 21, '•' (U+2022)
    • 2nd level item 21-1, or '●' (U+25CF)(bigger)?
      • 3rd level item 322, '⬥' (U+2B25)

^^^ please note: without the "list-style-type: '◾';" on the top ul, this will not work at all

basic (squre, circle, square):
  • top level item 0
    • 2nd level item 22
    • 2nd level item 23
      • 3rd level item 333
      • 3rd level item 334
  • top level item 1
still cannot get rid of the "red square":
  • top level item 0
    • 2nd level item 22
    • 2nd level item 23
      • 3rd level item 333
      • 3rd level item 334
  • top level item 1

How to hide links in plain sights?

for example:

the following line has "SFU Groups" linked to "", but can you tell without moving cursor over?

what is an SFU Groups group?

source code: an <a href="" style="color:black;">SFU Groups</a> group



Please note: that the color settings of "style" cannot be used without font.

Color red Font Consolas  

the source code:

<td> <span style="font-family:Arial;color:red;">Color red</span> </td>

<td> <span style="font-family:lucida console"> Font Consolas </span> </td>


<span style="color:blue">just color</span>

will show as:

just color

- no color and the HTML code is deleted from the source.

<span style="font-family: lucida console; color: blue">font with color</span>

will show as:

font with color

- which is exactly what we instructed.

did you notice the issue? it is the ";" after the color code (when a font is specified, it could be omitted).

<span style="color:blue">just color</span>

will get nothing

<span style="color:blue;">just color</span>

will get blue!

issues to be dealt with