CSIL Windows Terminal Server

Due to low demand, we will no longer provide a Windows Terminal Server
    - starting from Spring 2025.

Please remote to a CSIL Windows workstation as needed.

A special reminder: You may access CSIL SQL Server from your laptop with SFU VPN. But, NO RDP.










The CSIL Windows Terminal Server is not available at the moment (Spring 2025).

We have some technical difficulties with this server and it is not functional to CMPT users.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please RDP into any Windows workstation in ASB9840 instead.










Jumpstart after COVID

From October 2021, we have new ways to remote into (RDP) CSIL Windows Terminal Sever. Please read on.

For all CMPT users (include faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students)

please be sure SFU VPN is connected on your device

please use this computer name & special port while RDP into our CSIL Windows Terminal Server (Spring 2025)

for step-by-step guide, please click here

What is the CSIL Windows Terminal Server and why I should use it?

  • The CSIL Windows Terminal Server is a computer you could remotely access and get the same environment as a CSIL Windows workstation. When you sign-in to this terminal server you will see a desktop view of the server as a new window running on your own computer; you can switch between this new window and others you may have running and you can have multiple windows running within the terminal server window as well.
  • This server provides a Windows environment for your coursework when you need to work from off campus.
  • This server is accessible from anywhere* around the globe - so you could use it when you are having trouble connecting to some of our other resources that are not open worldwide, and then connect to those resources from this server as a second step. *Although we allow any network to connect to this server, it is possible the network you are on does not let you connect to us.

Some of the terminologies we will be using on this page:

username: your SFU Computing ID
FQDN: fully qualified domain name (including DNS suffix)
RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol; it is also called Remote Desktop Connection

About all important SFU VPN and SFU MFA

To strengthen IT security, IT Services of SFU have implemented Virtual Private Network for the whole University community. It is now available for faculty and staff - also for the CMPT's graduate students and undergraduate students. Please setup VPN client on your own device now.

SFU VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the way to remote access any host on SFU networks off-campus.

SFU MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) is mandatory of SFU VPN; plese be sure to sign up now.

If you don't have access to SFU VPN, please email helpdesk@cs.sfu.ca

Looking for some other servers?

(Special: since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, we had made CSIL Workstations available for remote access. Please click here for more information.)

If you want to remotely access a CSIL Linux host, please use one of our CSIL Linux CPU Servers.

If you are in the CMPT-471 class, click here to know more about the Network Access Server.

The CSIL Windows Terminal Server

We have setup one Microsoft Windows Terminal Server for all CSIL users (including students who enroll at least one CMPT course). CSIL users could access this server through remote desktop connection.

Click here to know the exact name and specific RDP port for our CSIL Windows Terminal Server.

Once you sign in to the CSIL Terminal Server, a unique remote desktop session will be created for you. You may disconnect the session at any time and sign back in to your disconnected session later (from same or different computer). The applications you launched will still be running within the disconnected session.

An idle session (session without user key stroke nor mouse click) will be disconnected after 1 hour. A disconnected session will be terminated after 24 hours. You cannot sign in back to a terminated session.

Courtesy reminder: Due to the resource limitation and high usage, please sign-out instead of disconnecting when you finish using any CSIL host.

For Falll 2024 semester, the access to the CSIL Windows Terminal Server will be available from September 3rd to December 17th, 2024.




What are some tips on how to use CSIL Windows Terminal Servers?

  • Must use this name and this specific port number.
  • Please come to the lab session early and sign in early to avoid "traffic" - since the sign-in process slows down the performance of the Terminal Server.
  • Please do not repeatedly click on the same shortcut if the system seems not to be responding. Multiple clicks will make the system launch the same program multiple times and this will only make the system slower.
  • Please logoff instead of disconnecting when you finish using the CSIL Terminal Server. The idle session still consumes system resources.


Are there any application-related issues I should be aware of on the CSIL Windows Terminal Server?

Yes, there are a few known differences on the CSIL Windows Terminal Server:

  • Qt is not available due to our terminal server does not meet the hardware requirement of this application.
  • VHDL simili can handle 10 concurrent users at any time due to license restriction. Please try to use it on CSIL workstations or get it on your own computer.
  • most of the multimedia applications are available on workstations only.


I need to access some Linux hosts from within the RDP session on CSIL Windows Terminal Server; any help?

Our CSIL Windows Terminal Server is accessible globally, so it may be used as way to access hosts we are not able open to global access for security reasons.

Please be sure you store/access your files under "U:" drive - your SFU Home space. Especially when you use WinSCP.

CyberDuck, puTTY and WinSCP are available on our CSIL Windows Terminal Server. You could use these tools for SSH-ing and SFTP-ing files to various Linux servers.

Althoughit it is possible to To launch an RDP session within an RDP session (gain GUI/X access to CSIL Linux workstation), we don't recommend this. Please click here for more instrcutions on the proper way.


Make the connection


How to RDP to CSIL Windows Terminal Server from a CSIL Linux workstation?

Logon to any CSIL Linux (Ubuntu) workstation

press key Alt-F2

in the dialogbox, enter remmina

the Remmina Remote Desktop Client window will open. Here you can add remote connections.

click on the '+' sign on top left to create a new connection.  

give a name to your connection (e.g. CSIL Win TS)

key in the in the following information:

Remote host name with port: click here

User name: username

Password: (leave it blank)

Domain: ad.sfu.ca

click on the button Save and Connect

you should see the familiar CSIL Windows sign-in screen, key in the password and voila!

For best experience, please toggle to Full Screen mode.

If the connection fails due to incompatible Color Depth, edit your entry by selecting a different Color Depth value - we tested OK with True Coloer (32bpp).

Reminder: you must logoff from both Windows and Linux workstation before you leave.


How to RDP to CSIL Windows Terminal Server from a Linux system

Most of the Linux distros have the remote desktop client installed by default. 

You may try out "Remmina" as a starter.

If your system doesn't have any RDP client installed, please check out the manual of the system.

You may check out this page for more options.


How to RDP to CSIL Windows Terminal Server from an Apple device


. You must have Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 app installed on your Apple device (Mackbook, iPad, iMac etc.). Please search for "Microsoft Remote Desktop" in the App Store and follow the instructions to get it installed.
. Please be sure SFU VPN is running on your device.

Remote into CSIL Windows Terminal Server:

launch the app Microsoft Remote Desktop 10; key in the following information:

Connection name: CSIL Windows Terminal Server

PC name: click here

use the following credential method:

User name: ad.sfu.ca\username
Password: your SFU Mail password


How to RDP to CSIL Windows Terminal Server from a Windows system

Recommended: Always download the latest Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client) to your device.

Please be sure SFU VPN is running on your device.

Proceed withe either of the followings:

  • Run Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connections
    Type the hostname with port number: click here
    Click button: Connect
  • or From command line / command prompt
    run command: mstsc /v:host:click here

Now, key in the credential information as follows:

User name: ad.sfu.ca\username
Password: your SFU Mail password

Click OK to make the connection.

Please save this RDP configuration for future use.


Known Issues


When I try to remote desktop to the CSIL Windows Terminal Server, it gives certificate error and failed on authentication; what should I do?

First of all, please make sure you are connecting to the full name and specific RDP port of the CSIL Windows Terminal Server. Only if it is correct, you could proceed with the following workaround:

While you connect from a Windows system using Remote Desktop Connection (aka mstsc), please do the following:

click "Show Options"
click tab "Advanced"
under "Server authentication", for "If server authentication fails:"
choose "Connect and don't warn me"
(optional: save the setting for future use) and click "Connect"

Basically, this will give you the real sign-in screen and you could be sure you are connecting to the host you are trying to reach. In fact, this is the recommended setting to use for all Windows users.

We believe you could find similar option within the remote desktop client you are using. If the client does not offer this option, please use alternative client tools.

Please note: you may encounter similar issue while connecting to other Windows servers, give a try of this method.


I cannot remote desktop to the CSIL Windows Terminal Server from my Windows 10 computer; what should I do?

Please run mstsc to make the connection.

In fact, you may have to do this when RDP to other computers.


I get licensing error when I remote desktop to the CSIL Windows Terminal Server; what should I do?

The symptoms: when making the connection, the following error appears:

Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator

Here is a workaround:

On your own Windows computer, launch "Command Prompt" by Run as administrator, within it,

execute the following command:

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing" /f

now, you should be able to remotely sign in to the CSIL terminal server.


When I remote desktop to the CSIL Windows Terminal Server from my Mac, it stuck at "Negotiating Credentials..."; what should I do?

This happens when an old version of Microsoft Remote Desktop is used to make the connection.


Please upgrade your Mac system with latest Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 app. Please search for "Microsoft Remote Desktop" in the App Store and follow the instructions to get it installed.


Click here for CSIL Windows FAQ page.

Click here for CSIL FAQ page.

Contact us!

Having comments, suggestions, inquiries and more questions? Contact us!

Please click here and use the best practices to get assistance from helpdesk.


Last updated @ 2025.02.10