
Team members:  Chloe Goodison (SFU)

In 2020, British Columbia struggled to navigate a global pandemic. Although, since long before COVID-19 entered the province, BC has been fighting an opioid crisis. In 2020 alone there were over 1,500 overdose deaths in BC. Though CPR and the Heimlich maneuver are taught in secondary school PE classes, naloxone and overdose awareness are neglected. It’s time to change that.

There are currently no youth-run anti-overdose/naloxone administration campaigns in Port Moody, Coquitlam or Port Coquitlam. There is an important place for NaloxHome in the Tri-Cities during BC’s overdose crisis.

Naloxone kits save lives. The overdose crisis hits close to home, for everyone in BC. Combining “naloxone” and the Tri-Cities, my “home,” I’ve created NaloxHome. NaloxHome will provide much-needed overdose education and naloxone training to youth in the Tri-Cities area. NaloxHome will empower a team of youth to share our passion for overdose prevention with our fellow young adults.

More info:

Read about NaloxHome 2021 here

Community partners:

Tri-Cities Community Action Team (TCCAT)*; School District 43 (Coquitlam, Port Moody, Coquitlam); SHARE Family and Community Services; Fraser Health; City of Coquitlam; City of Port Moody; City of Port Coquitlam

*The TCCAT is comprised of many Tri-Cities based businesses, organizations, and services. These include: Purpose Society; Raincity Housing; Vancity Bank; Access Youth Outreach; FNW Division; City of Port Moody; City of Coquitlam; City of Port Coquitlam; Success BC; BC Transit; School District #43; Share Family and Community Services; Coquitlam RCMP; Hope for Freedom; Noura Homes; LearnFirstAid

2020-21 Grand Prize Award winner
$3000 Burnaby Community Engagement Grand Award badge


Up to $30,000* is available to fund SFU students who want to work with community partners to drive meaningful, lasting impact.

Maybe you’re working on an existing idea for a class you’re taking, through a student club or another organization, or maybe you just have an amazing idea that keeps you up at night.... Whatever it is, we want to hear from you!

Start the process now by registering today and then submitting your idea before November 22 – all you need is your passion and an idea. 

Students holding speech bubbles.

* Award amounts subject to change.