The EGSA is formed to support and advance the academic, professional and social experience of students in the School of Engineering Science graduate program and School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering. It should be noted that all Graduate students in these schools are members of the EGSA, and EGSA represents and promotes the interests of them.
EGSA elects this executive committee from among graduate students annually at the beginning of each school year. EGSA shall hold regular meetings during each semester and all members are welcome to attend.
If you would like to attend our monthly meetings, you are very welcome to; please refer to EGSA Events for the next meeting.

Meeting Minutes
If you are interested in what's going on in our community, please refer to EGSA Meeting Minutes:
The EGSA holds two types of meetings: Annual General Meeting (AGM) and regular meetings throughout the semester. Regular meetings are to address on-going concerns or events concerning the Members of the EGSA. The AGM occurs at least once per year within the first four weeks of the school year to ratify or amend the Constitution and to elect the Executive Members of the EGSA. All meetings are to open to Members. The last three meeting minutes are posted here; if you would like prior minutes, please send an email to an executive member.
EGSA Constitution
For Graduate Students who may intend to attend EGSA as an executive member, please refer to EGSA Constitution or get in contact with one of Current Executive Members. Another useful document is the Caucus Training Presentation provided by the GSS to understand how the caucus should run.