Mathematics Education Doctoral Students Conference (MEDS-C)

Students have to opportunity to participate in the Mathematics Education Doctoral Students Conference (MEDS-C). This annual one-day conference is held in the Fall term. First year students are expected to attend, and second year students are expected to attend, submit proposals, review proposals and make presentations. While third and fourth (and up) year students are expected to attend, submit proposals, review proposals, and make presentations, as well as take on the shared responsibility of organizing the conference and producing the proceedings. Of course, any one student may take on more responsibilities than are expected. Proposals should be submitted using either a PME or a PME-NA format. Revisions based on reviewers’ comments are expected with the revised manuscripts being published in the proceedings. The MEDS-C will achieve several things:

  • The sharing of expertise among doctoral students
  • Experience with peer-review
  • Preparation and critique of PME and PME-NA proposals in a timely manner
  • Building of an academic community within our program


Date for 2021 MEDS-C:

  • Saturday, November 13, 2021

Location: TBA
