Conference Papers and Presentations (Refereed)

Jordan, S. (2019, June). Responding to Survivors of SOGIE persecution: International context and national guideline development for SOGIE refugee proceedings in panel presentation Training is not enough: Policy, Evaluation, Lived Experiences and what works for LGBTQ newcomer settlement. Ernst, K. (chair) Alcantar, J., Hebert, L., and Horsnell, J. Metropolis International Conference, Ottawa, ON.

Travers, A., Bouley, N., Marchbank, J. & Jordan, S. (2018, August). Self-silencing and settling for less in cross disciplinary collaboration on behalf of transgender youth. Referred Roundtable in Sociology of Sexualities section of the 113th Convention of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA. 

Minami, M., Goodwill, A., Jordan, S. & Nitkin, P. (2018, June 29). Practice Beyond Principle: Reflections on Social Justice in community based applied psychological practice with Indigenous, war-affected, queer refugee and cancer populations. Symposium presentation. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC. 

Jordan, S. (2018, June). Resisting SOGIE Refugee Exclusions: Knowledge mobilization at the intersections of psychology, law and refugee studies. Preaching to the Choir: International LGBTQ+ Psychology Conference, Satellite to the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC. 

Jordan, S. (2018, May). Enhancing Refugee Determination related to Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression: Implications of Chairperson's Guideline 9. Panel presentation. Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Ottawa, ON. 

Jordan, S. (2017, March). Psychosocial adaptation of Syrian refugees persecuted for their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. 19th National Metropolis Conference, Montreal, QC. 

Jordan, S. (2016, June). Fostering Safety with LGBTQ Refugees Panel Presentation in Kasan, A. (chair) LGBTQ Newcomers an understudied area in counselling psychology. Canadian Psychological Association, Annual Convention, Victoria, BC.

Jordan, S. (2016, October). From Narrative to Parliamentary Briefs to Federal Court Affidavits: Lessons learned through knowledge mobilization for refugee safety, rights and health. Presentation to International Institute for Qualitative Methodology Qualitative Health Research Conference, Kelowna, BC.

Jordan, S. (2015, May). Fostering Cultural Safety with LGBTQ or Sexually and Gender Diverse Clients: Strategies for surfacing the power of hetero and homonormativity. Paper presented at the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference. Niagara Falls, ON.

Jordan, S. (2015, May). Voiced affect and emotion in Queer refugee research: The meaning, potential and ethical responsibility of working with emotionally charged moments.
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON

Gitari, E. Jordan S. & Sajnani, R. (2015, May). Envisioning protection & belonging for LGBT forced migrants. Panel Presented at Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Jordan, S. (2014, August). Dialogism in Accounts of Queer Survival Migration: Resisting homophobia, nagivating refugeeness and voicing g/local sexualities. 8th Congress of the International Society for Dialogical Self. The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Den Haag, Netherlands.

Jordan, S. (2014, June). Precarious Times: Doing Justice with/in research with refugees seeking protection from homophobic or transphobic persecution. Sexuality Studies Association. Borders without Boundaries. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.

Jordan, S. (2014, March). UnSettling: Using Critical Ethnographic and Narrative Inquiry with LGBTQ Refugees. Presentation in panel on Inclusion & Methodology. Refugee Voices. Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford, UK.

Jordan, S. (2014, March). Protecting Asylum Rights for LGBTQ Refugees in Canada: Implications of the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act. Panel presenter with ENVISIONING Project Organizers: Mule, N. Nicol, N. Chair: Douglas, D. Co-Presenters: Case-Gates, E. Gamble, K., Khaki, E.F.

Jordan, S & Shidlo, A. (2013, June). Psychological Impacts of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Persecution: Implications, assessments and support strategies for refugee determination. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON.

Jordan, S.R. (2012, May). (Un)Convention(al) Refugees: Contextualizing the accounts of refugees facing homophobic and transphobic persecution. 12th Annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana, IL.

Jordan, S.R. (2012, May). Narrating Queer Im/mobilities: respecting the meaningful, agentic and contested in Queer migrants accounts.  Day in Qualitative Psychology. 12th Annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana, IL.

Jordan, S.R. (2012, March). Protecting asylum rights for (un)convention(al) refugees: community advocacy and research on queer and trans refugee protection. Panel presentation. Nicol, N. (organizer) A New Balancing Act for Sexual Minority Refugee? Potential Impacts of Refugee Reform for LGBT Asylum in Canada. Metropolis, Toronto, ON.

Kranz, K. Jordan, S.R. & Long, B. (2012, March). What's in a word? Meanings for women of disclosing their lesbian identity.  37th Annual Conference for Association for Women in Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Jordan, S.R. (2011, October). Research with QLGBT Migrants: Respecting the meaningful, material, and contested in Queer lives. 17th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Jordan, SR (2010, March). Un/Settling: Critical Ethnography of QLGBT refugee settlement. In Jordan, S. Brotman, S. and Lee, E, (Organizers) LGBTQ Refugee Settlement in Canada: Perspectives from community-research collaborations in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Panel presented at Metropolis 12th National Conference, Montreal, PQ.

Jordan, S.R. (2009, August). Un/Settling: QLGBT refugees negotiation of belonging. Panel on Intersecting Identities: Researching diversity within sexual orientation and gender identity. American Psychological Association. Toronto, ON.

Jordan, S. (2009, April). Un/Convention(al) Refugees: Accounts of escape and exile from homophobic and transphobic persecution. Paper presented at Documenting the Undocumented: York University Centre for Refugee Studies Annual Student Conference. Toronto,ON.

Jordan, S.R. (2009, June). Un/Settling: Critical enthnography of QLGBT refugee settlement. Poster presented at Canadian Psyhological Association, Montreal, QC.

Jordan, S.R. (2008, June). (Un)Settling Stories: Dialogical analysis of QLGBT migration accounts. 13th Biannual Conference of the Constructivist Psychology Network. Victoria, BC.

Jordan, S.R. (2008, March). Voicing QLGBT genders/sexualities: A dialogical approach to investigating multiple identities of QLGBT migrants. In Graham, M. and Jordan, S. (Chairs) Genders in action: Putting theories into practice. Symposium conducted at the International Counselling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.

Rainbow Refugee Committee (2007, September) LGBTQ refugees stories of inclusion, exclusion and un/belonging. Organized panel for 12th Annual Cross-Cultural Mental Health Symposium, Simon Fraser Unviersity Social Cohesion: Building Capacity for Culturally Responsible Communities, Vancouver, BC.

Jordan, S.R. (2007, August). Implementing intersectional diversity competence: collegial discussion of ethical concerns. Panel presenter with Haverkamp, B. Muscat, A. Williams, M. on Difficult Conversations: Informal resolution of ethical concerns and violations. American Psychological Association, San Fransisco, CA.

Hall, W., Long, B.C., Bermbach, N. Jordan, S. and Patterson, K. (2007, September).Embodying vulnerability: Female Clerical Workers’ Workplace Distress. 14th International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing, UBC. Vancouver, BC.

Jordan, S. (2007, April). Voiced and enacted genders: Dialogical and dramaturgical approaches to researching genders. Nexus Spring Institute, Rethinking Health Practices in a Social World – Focus on Gender & Health Behaviours. Vancouver, BC.

Jordan, S.R. (2006, April). Coming (out) to Canada: Place in QLGBT migration narratives. Presentation at Nexus Spring Institute. New Frotiers in Health Behaviour: Understanding Place and Space. Vancouver, BC.

Bryson, M. MacIntosh, L. Jordan, S.R. Lin, H. (2006, March). Queer Women on the Net: Landscapes of computing, identity, and agency. Presentation at AERA and CSSE.

Rainbow Refugee Committee. (2005, October). Where do I belong? Stories of QLGBT refugees. Organizer and Panel Member Families in Transition: Strengths and Challenges, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.

Jordan,S. (2005, June). Coming (out) to Canada: Narratives of Women immigrating to Canada using the same-sex partner process. Paper presented at World Women’s Congress, Seoul Korea.

Bermbach, N. Jordan, S. Harkness, A. Long, B. (2003, May) Employed women’s perceptions of workplace stress as reflected in images, synonyms and metaphors. Poster presentation at Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Long, B., Hall, W., Bermbach, N., Jordan, S. & Patterson, K. (2002, May). Qualitative team work: the good, the bad and the ugly. Conversation session presented at the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

Jordan, S.R. (2003, May). Fostering Collaboration in Transformative Research. Paper presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods, Banff, AB.

Jordan, S.R. (2003, June). Coming (out) to Canada: Narratives of women who have immigrated to Canada through the same-sex partner process. poster presented at Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, ON.

Kranz, K. & Jordan, S.R. (2002, May). What do women mean when they say “I am a lesbian?” poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, BC.

