
Current Courses

This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.

Curriculum Development

  • My involvement with the Professional Development Program (PDP) pre-service teacher preparation has entailed working in collaboration with the Faculty Associates working with the International Teacher Education Module (ITEM) which prepares Canadian pre-service teachers not only for their subsequent teaching in Canada, but also for a 9-week practicum in schools in China. (2010–2012)
  • Curriculum developer for M.Ed. program in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on teaching English as a foreign language (C&I: TEFL) for international students from China. This work involved leading a team of instructors to collaborate in an ongoing manner on developing curriculum that would be relevant to the needs of teachers who would be teaching English in contexts that resemble little the Canadian context. (2004–2007)
  • Development of video resources to accompany the textbook “Teaching English to Bulgarians” for intensive classes to adults at English Department within Institute for Foreign Students, Sofia, Bulgaria. (1991)