Journal Articles

Barrow, R. (2012) What Should be Taught in our Schools and Why? Commonwealth Education Partnerships (Nexus, Cambridge).

Barrow, R. (2010). Was Peters Nearly Right About Education? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 44(2).

Barrow, R. (2010). Public Education at the Brink. Teacher, 22(4). Public and shortened version of 106.

Barrow, R. (2009). Dictating Democracy. Journal of Thought, 42(1).

Barrow, R. (2009). Is Public Education in Mortal Danger? Prospero, 15(4).

Barrow, R. (2009). Academic freedom: Its Nature, Extent and Value. British Journal of Educational Studies, 57(2).

Barrow, R. (2008). Education and the Body: prolegomena. British Journal of Educational Studies, 56(3).

Barrow, R. (2007). Common Schooling and the Need for Distinction. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41(4).

Barrow, R. (2007). Roman Education. Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. (New York & Oxford: Facts on File Publications).

Barrow, R. (2006). Can we Force People to be Democratic? Ethical Record, 3(9).

Barrow, R. (2006). Empirical Research into Teaching. Interchange, 37(4).

Barrow, R. (2006). Offence and Respect: Some brief Comments. Journal of Moral Education, 35(1).

Barrow, R. (2006). Judging the Quality of Human Achievement. Education and Culture, 22(1).

Barrow, R. (2006). Moral Education’s Modest Agenda. Ethics and Education, 1(1).

Barrow, R. (2005). Why we educate. Prospero, 11(2).

Barrow, R. (2005). Philosophers Revisited. Interchange, 36(4).

Barrow, R. (2005). On the Duty of not Taking Offence. Journal of Moral Education, 34(3).

Barrow, R. (2005). Education:the Frustration. Prospero, 11(1).

Barrow, R. (2004). Publicity, the Public and Professors. British Journal of Educational Studies, 52(3).

Barrow, R. (2004). Language and Character. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 3(3).

Barrow, R. (2003). In Mere Despair. Prospero, 9(4).

Barrow, R. (2001). Inclusion vs. Fairness. Journal of Moral Education, 30(3). Reprinted in Wilf Carr (Ed.) The Routledge Falmer Reader in Philosphy of Education (1984).

Barrow, R. (2000). The Poverty of Empirical Research in Education. Journal of Moral Education, 29(3).

Barrow, R. (2000). Include me out: Some thoughts on inclusion. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15(3).

Barrow, R. (2000). Leadership in public schools: did behaviorism ever die? Prospero, 6(1–2).

Barrow, R. (1999). The Higher Nonsense: Some persistent errors in educational thinking. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 31(2).

Barrow, R. (1999). The need for philosophical analysis in a postmodern era. Interchange, 30(4).

Barrow, R. (1996). Moral Education: The need for clearer thinking. International Review of Education, 42.

Barrow, R. (1996). The Leisure of the Theory Class. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 15.

Barrow, R. (1995). Not guilty as charged: A rebuttal of logical empiricism. Paideusis, 8(2).

Barrow, R. (1995). Keep them bells a‑tolling: Normal distribution and intelligence. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue.

Barrow, R. (1995). Cultural Reproduction and Education. East China Normal University Journal, 3.

Barrow, R. (1994). Teacher Education (Review Article). Interchange, 25(4).

Barrow, R. (1995). A Common Education. Canadian Journal of Education, 20(3).

Barrow, R. (1995). The Erosion of Moral Education. International Review of Education, 41(1‑2).

Barrow, R. (1995). Language, Definition, and Metaphor. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 16. Reprinted in Harvey Siegel (Ed.) Reason and Education: Essays in Honour of Israel Scheffler (Klauer), 1997.

Barrow, R. (1993). Denominational Schools and Public Schooling. Interchange, 24(3).

Barrow, R. (1992). Developing Intelligence. Paideusis, 5(2).

Barrow, R. (1991). Undertsanding ‘Understanding Skills. Paideusis, 4(2).

Barrow, R. (1991). The generic fallacy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 23(1).

Barrow, R. (1990). The role of conceptual analysis in curriculum inquiry: A holistic approach. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 5(3).

Barrow, R. (1990). Teacher Education: Theory and Practice. British Journal of Educational Studies, 38(4).

Barrow, R. (1989). Politics, Reason and Religious Education. Ethics in Education, 9(1).

Barrow, R. (1989). A Place for Religious Education in the School Curriculum? Ethics in Education, 8(5).

Barrow, R. (1989). Some thoughts on words. C.A.C.S. Newsletter, February.

Barrow, R. (1988). Over the top: A misuse of philosophical techniques? Interchange, 19(2).

Barrow, R. (1988). Multiculturalisrn. Ethics in Education, 7(4).

Barrow, R. (1988). Context, concepts and content: Prescriptions for empirical research. Canadian Journal of Education, 13(1).

Barrow, R. (1987). Skill Talk. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 21(2).

Barrow, R. (1987). Should teachers be told how to teach? Ethics in Education, 7(1).

Barrow, R. (1987). Conceptual finesse. Canadian Journal of Philosophy of Education, 1(1).

Barrow, R. (1986). Socrates was a human being: A plea for transcultural moral education. Journal of Moral Education.

Barrow, R. (1986). Empirical research into teaching: The conceptual factors. Educational Research, 28(3).

Barrow, R. (1986). The concept of curriculum design. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 20(1).

Barrow, R. (1986). Philosophy and the Classics. Journal of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers.

Barrow, R. (1985). Patterns and Purposes: The logic of curriculum design. Teacher Education.

Barrow, R. (1985). The non‑negotiable curriculum. Westminster Studies in Education, 8.

Barrow, R. (1985). Misdescribing a Cow: The Question of Conceptual Correctness. Educational Theory, 35(2).

Barrow, R. (1984). The logic of systematic classroom research: The case of Oracle. Durham and Newcastle Research Review, 10(53).

Barrow, R. (1984). Teacher judgement and teacher effectiveness. Journal of Educational Thought, August.

Barrow, R. (1984). How married are you, Mary Ann? Educating for the real world. Oxford Review of Education, 10(2).

Barrow, R. (1984). Problems in research into group work. Durham and Newcastle Research Review, Spring.

Barrow, R. (1983). There is no conversation: On teaching Plato's Meno for purposes of communication. Hesperiam, Winter.

Barrow, R. (1983). Prolegomenon to curriculum theory. Canadian Journal of Education, 8(1).

Barrow, R. (1982). Studying Ancient History. History and Social Science Teacher, 17(4).

Barrow, R. (1982). Five Commandments for the Eighties. Educational Analysis 4(1).

Barrow, R. (1981). Philosophic Competence and Discriminatory Power. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2.

Barrow, R. (1978). The Moral Education Issue. History and Social Science Teacher, 13(2).

Barrow, R. (1977). Plato and politics. Didaskalos.

Barrow, R. (1977). On Teaching Athenian Democracy. Didaskalos.

Barrow, R. (1975). The Teacher of Classics and the Teaching of Philosophy. Didaskalos.

Barrow, R. (1974). What's wrong with the Philosophy of Education? British Journal of Educational Studies, 22(2).

Barrow, R. (1974). Religion in the Schools. Educational Philosophy and Theory, March.

Barrow, R. (1973). The Trouble with Clary. London Association of Classical Teachers' Bulletin, 13.

Barrow, R. (1973). On Misunderstanding Philosophy. Education for Teaching, Autumn.

Barrow, R. (1972). Examinations in Classical Studies. Didaskalos.

Barrow, R. (1967). Corvo on Corvo. The Idler.

Barrow, R. (1965). The Nineties: A way of life? The Idler.
