Refereed Journal Articles

R Nilson, M. J., Menzies, M., & Paterson, D. (accepted, forthcoming). Plant and People: At the intersection of human needs in space allocation processes. Planning for Higher Education.

R Kanji, Z., Pidgeon, M., & Nilson, M.J. (2020). Selecting a Bachelor of Dental Science degree: Stories Shared from a Narrative Inquiry. Journal of Dental Hygiene.

R Chatwin, M., Nilson, M.J., & Karpilovski, M. (In Revisions). Attendance Matters: School Staff and Administrators’ Perceptions of Chronic Absenteeism. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy.

R Nilson, M. J., Fels, L. M., & Gopaul, B. (2016). Performing Leadership: Use of Performative Inquiry in Teaching Organizational Theories. Journal of Leadership Education, 15(3), 170-186.

R Darojat, O., Nilson, M., J. & Kaufman, D. (2015). Quality Assurance in Asian Open and Distance Learning: Policies and Implementation. Journal of Learning for Development - JL4D, 2(2).

R Darojat, O., Nilson, M. J., Kaufman, D. (2015). Perspectives on Quality and Quality Assurance in Asian Open Universities, Distance Education.  DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2015.1081734

R- Nguyen, H., Nilson, M., MacKinnon, A. (2010). Marketization of Higher Education in Vietnam in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization: The Institutional Practice at Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10(1).

R-Freeman, D.C., McArthur, E.D., Miglia, K.J., Nilson, M.J., Brown, M.L. (2007) Sex and the lonely Atriplex, Western North American Naturalist.

R-Martinez, M.C. & Nilson, M.J. (2006) Assessing the connection between higher education policy and performance, Educational Policy, 20(2), 299–322
